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Thread: 200 dv power issue.

  1. Default 200 dv power issue.

    I got my 200dv out yesterday from a three month nap
    It is using 240 I plugged it in to the same cord I was just using my mig for
    The volt adjuster will only go up to about 120
    So I tried it anyway and the ark is all messed up
    This is on aluminum. The machine is set to ac all the settings are the same as I welded aluminum before
    But no go. I checked power cord with meter and seams fine
    I can plug my mig into it and works good. Any help out there??

  2. Default

    I'm guessing from your description that you're using a high-amp extension cord. Have you tried connecting directly to the receptacle? The Everlast might be picking up a variance the MIG doesn't. It would at least eliminate that as a variable and prompt you to call Everlast to troubleshoot.

  3. #3


    Be sure to call tech support at 877 755 9353 ext 207 if you haven't. Also make sure you have the receptacle wire correctly, or that a wire hasn't loosened up on it.

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