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Thread: Gas Lens Compatibility

  1. Default Gas Lens Compatibility

    I just got a new flex head wp20 and water cooler to go along with my 255ext and I think I'm confused.

    I ordered the gas lens tips for the 20 and I have to pick up some collets that I forgot to order, but am I correct thinking that the stubby gas lens cups from my 17 are the same and compatible.

    I was having trouble that looked like not enough gas coverage so I swapped in my 17 and had the same problems. Getting to the bottom of my argon tank I figured I would swap it out today for a fresh bottle before I dig any deeper. I'm hoping I don't have a leak in my new torch lines. I tried running the 17 with the water cooler turned off to make sure I wasn't just drawing too much amperage, I have 200 amps to the garage and 50 amp breakers to each 240 plug so I doubt that running at 140 amps would be too much. I also use a flap disc and acetone on each joint so it's not dirty either. Kinda stumped this chump lol.


  2. Default

    I'm no welding expert, but what I understand is that accessories for the 9 & 20 series torches are compatible, whereas the 17/18/26 series torches are different. I'm assuming you're seeing some kind of weld contamination leading you to believe you have gas coverage issues? Have you double-checked flow rate, torch angle, run a line without filler? Are you seeing flow when you engage the foot pedal, hear the gas, etc.?

  3. Default

    I'm no welding expert, but what I understand is that accessories for the 9 & 20 series torches are compatible, whereas the 17/18/26 series torches are different. I'm assuming you're seeing some kind of weld contamination leading you to believe you have gas coverage issues? Have you double-checked flow rate, torch angle, run a line without filler? Are you seeing flow when you engage the foot pedal, hear the gas, etc.?

  4. Default

    Thanks, I was trying everything I could think of and just decided to accept the fact that I forgot how to TIG over the weekend lol.

    Went and got a new bottle and all is good, never had trouble with a bottle before. I did find three videos that made reference to the stubby gas lens fitting a 17 torch (Fabrication Series, Welding Tips and Tricks, and I tried it again on my 20 and it's all good so I'm pretty confident it was the bottle, possibly I didn't purge my lines long enough either now that I think of it.

    Thanks agin,

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