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Thread: PowerPro 205SI AC TIG pre-flow not coming on

  1. Question PowerPro 205SI AC TIG pre-flow not coming on

    The first time I TIG on AC the pre-flow works but subsequent welds the arc starts immediately without any pre-flow. Any ideas?


  2. Default


    It may be possible that you're just reinitiating a subsequent arc start while the post flow is still going, so you're not hearing any newly initiated pre-flow starting, i.e. if your post-flow is at 20 sec, turn it down to about 5 sec.

    I usually only set for about .5 sec of pre-flow, if at all.
    Last edited by christian; 02-05-2020 at 12:07 AM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DTuer View Post
    The first time I TIG on AC the pre-flow works but subsequent welds the arc starts immediately without any pre-flow. Any ideas?

    If you are using in 2T or 4T or even pedal, and pull away and break the arc before the arc cycle is properly terminated, this could be a cause.

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