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Thread: TIG newby checking in

  1. Default TIG newby checking in

    Hi all. Bought a 255EXT a few weeks ago. So I'm here to join the fun.

    Have taken several adult welding night classes at the local high school. They have been very helpful until the 'ronavi put the kabosh on them.

    Am loving the 255EXT. Sold my PrimeWeld 225 to buy it. The PrimeWeld was good... the 255EXT is more gooder. Really like the digital interface.

  2. Default


    The Everlast EXT line of TIG welders are true "advanced featured" units, since they are digital, have waveforms, memory, etc.

    The 255EXT has features beyond my 210EXT, i.e., the 210EXT doesn't have E6010 Stick function, spot timer, or Easy Mode, not that I ever really wanted those.

    But, the 255EXT is certainly a big step up from a typical, full-featured analog AC/DC TIG unit.

    And, of course, the Advanced AC/DC Pulse/MixTIG feature, found on all of the Everlast EXT units, is like getting a unit of much higher output for aluminum welding.

    I've had my 210EXT for over 5 years now, and there's still nothing in its class at two or three times the price.
    Last edited by christian; 05-12-2020 at 08:41 PM.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

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