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Thread: MTS251si Advice on welder settings

  1. Default MTS251si Advice on welder settings

    Any advice on knowing what settings to use on the MTS251si welder. I've had a Lincoln 175 mig for several years and relied heavily on the welder settings chart on the door. I'm having problems setting my MTS for different thickness of steel. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I get it close and other times I feel like Im just going blindly. How do you newer welders and experienced welders determine what settings to use when going from one gauge steel to another? I'm new to TIG and also have the same question for the TIG process also. I really love this welder and so far I'm happy I upgraded from my Lincoln, although I really wish there was a chart like other welders. I did find an app put out by Miller but have not tried it yet, has anyone tried that? Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice.

  2. #2


    I'm not the best person to answer about TIG settings but for any MIG welder you can set the voltage for material thickness then turn the wire speed up too high, start a bead on a piece of scrap and turn the wire speed down while welding until you get the desired result.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. #3


    First and foremost, pay attention to your inductance setting. What is it?

  4. Default

    I leave that on zero. What does that do?

  5. #5


    It's explained in the manual.

    But that is critical to proper MIG performance. You have to have it set properly or you won't be able to MIG weld much and won't get very good welds. I use about 75%.

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