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Thread: Hello from Ohio

  1. Default Hello from Ohio

    Hello everyone. I am a novice welder that recently ordered a new Lightning 225, expected for delivery today, have everything needed to get started with it except a tank of c25.

    I have some welding experience going back to high school in the late 80's. Recently purchased a Primeweld Multi function SMAW/GTAW/Plasma. Looking forward to the capabilities of the new Everlast unit.

  2. Default


    That unit has it all: LCD display, AC/DC TIG (with the added Triangle waveform, which I like for thinner aluminum), MIG welding, memory function, blah, blah, blah.

    Honestly, for about $2000 (on sale now), it has no real competition. I mean, Everlast was the innovator on these MIG, AC/DC TIG units, and they're already in their second-generation with the Lightning models, over the Sti units.

    I was kind of surprised that Everlast didn't include an LCD interface on its recent refresh of the EXT line of TIG welders.

    And, interestingly, not in context with your purchase, the new AHP 203XI does have a basic LCD display, but without any memory function, I believe. It's on sale for pre-order at the AHP site ($800, delivered, incredible) and did a cool demo of the unit already. But it won't start shipping until some time in March, reportedly.

    I only add that little AHP mention, because I believe that AHP is somehow affiliated with Everlast, so I don't think I'm really promoting competing products here at the Everlast forum. And, interestingly, the new AHP has the same housing as my 210EXT (over 5 years old, but still perfect), which is no longer used on the latest Everlast EXT line. And that was a good move too, I think, as the previous AHP models were quite tall, and now they're not, and they apparently have a similar always-on fan system to my 210EXT, which is surprisingly quiet.

    So, yeah, it's a fun time for welding, and the innovation, performance, warranty, and values of Everlast units are something that was unheard of less than 10 years ago.

    Please let us all know back here have things go for you and the unit. I believe you'll find yourself in tall TIG and MIG welding cotton.
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

  3. Default


    What happened to the two guys with new MTS 225 Lightning units?

    Otherwise, here's a pic of that new digital-LCD AHP I also mentioned, which has the now-outdated Everlast EXT line styling.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	FRONT.jpg 
Views:	352 
Size:	7.8 KB 
ID:	14105
    Everlast 210 EXT (2015)

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