I picked up my new 256 today ,,have only done a few minutes with it so it is hard to right a whole bunch of good things about it . BUT for the few minutes I used it on .125 aluminum scrap that I had in the truck . it took a few minutes to get the amps dialed in because I do not use a foot pedal and I used the 2T mode it was great. Plenty of heat when dialed in and nice arc control even though the tungsten was balled up on the end even off to the side it was still a very controlled arc nice cleaning action and stable to use.
I tried the 4T but without time to spend on trying to get dialed in I just used 2T for the most part.
I will be hooking it up this weekend at the house when I get another job finished with my Miller then the fun of a new machine starts. That job needs to be out the door saturday night so I will definately be doing some playing on sunday getting used to it....
I will try to get pictures of results posted ( If my camera has batteries) I have an old digital that goes through batteries like peanuts..
Cant wait to play on sunday..