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Thread: finally here.

  1. #1

    Default finally here.

    Its here and thank jesus creesto the box looks relatively undamaged. one little hole poked in the top of the box and I can see the tiniest little dent in the top of the unit in the same spot. got a few cars in so havent hooked it up yet. will update soon.

  2. #2

    Default laying a few beads

    Well I got it hooked up and so far so good. everything seems to work ok. no tig or plasma yet only had a chance to lay down a few stick beads. not terribly crazy about this particular kind of stinger but I'm sure it will grow on me. My experience is in stick mostly and I'm used to the clamp style. Trying to dial in the amperage and controls... Basically working with a couple of scrap rotors. Not looking so great yet but I just need to get the adjustments right... welding with 3/32 so if anybody can give me some base settings to start out with that woud be cool. experimenting with polarities nd stuff still. cant wait till i get some argon and try the tig function.

  3. #3


    Probably not the best material for dialing anything in. Dirty cast centers, and hard faced outers are not going to tell you much.

  4. #4



    I echo you on the stub holder. Its a terrible idea from my perspective, but I had nothing to do with this. We did have the standard quick release electrode holder. These stub holders can easily be replaced. You can do it as cheap as 15.00. I would right away. The stub holder does not last as long as the other types and can slip or arc internally if not tight.

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