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Thread: Pulse setting of PM 205

  1. #1

    Default Pulse setting of PM 205

    My understanding of turning off the pulse feature on my Power Master 205 is to match the Amp setting at the foot pedal to the "Pulse Amp" setting. What makes this difficult is the amp setting at the pedal is getting reduced as I back off on the pedal as I work my way into the weld for Aluminum. When I try to cancel out the pulse funtion by kind of meeting the "Pulse Amp" setting with the backed off foot pedal control it still does not seem to cancel out the pulse. What seems to work better is to turn the Pulse Time setting to all the way off. This seems to have a more cancelling effect on the pulse but I had thought this setting only changes the time spent at the high end of the pulse amperage?
    For myself I am happy using pulse but curious as to how to simply turn this feature off. I had the pleasure of having a pro tig welder over to try out my unit. He prefers not to use the pulse funtion and it was a stuggle to mute this feature. Thanks in advance for any help on this ......wayne

  2. Default

    This link is to a four part vid, one deals with setting and using the pulse setting. They even use a Everlast for the demo.

  3. #3

    Default thanks but I have a PM205

    Thanks madcratebuilder for the link. I have in the past watched all of these videos and they are great. The issues I am facing is I have a machine that I believe handles pulse settings differently than the machine that Jody is using. Also if I remember he is not using a foot pedal but triger. My pedal settings based on amps not percentages and the way pulse settings tie into the backing off of pedal input for aluminum welding is what is kind of got me stumpped.
    You see the way is read into my instructions is if you match pulse amps with base amp setting you cancel out pulse....great but how do you do this with the use of a pedal when you are backing off more and more as you go with an aluminum application. Your base amps are constantly changing as you weld and there is not way to match pulse amps to base amps to turn this funtion off. I may be missing something here but maybe support staff can chime in for some input...thanks in advance .....wayne
    Last edited by www; 08-04-2010 at 11:08 PM.

  4. #4


    The PM205/PP205 is a lower cost unit and does not allow you to disable the pulse. You can run the pulse time all the way up and the pulse amps as well. That will get you in the range you are looking for. Just run the amps up a little more.

    The foot pedal works the same on all units, it varies the power (amps), so it will go up and down.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  5. #5


    Thanks for this Mike....below is what your manual says...."On PowerMaster units, there is no switch to turn off pulse. Manipula-tion of the pulse amps (6) knob to match the welding amps will eliminate the pulse. Also us-ing the Pulse Time ON switch will control the cycle length of the pulse should more regulation be needed."

    So, is what is quoted above correct? .......Manipula-tion of the pulse amps (6) knob to match the welding amps will eliminate the pulse

    Meaning then if I was using the trigger and not the pedal I could actualy turn off the pulse. It sounds like what your telling me....."The PM205/PP205 is a lower cost unit and does not allow you to disable the pulse" is something different than what the manual is claiming . My guess is the pulse is not something you can cancel with the use of the pedal but is something you can cancel with the use of the trigger by matching base amps to pulse amps. If I am correct in this assumtion I think it may be best to say this in the manual so controls can be better unterstood

    Last edited by www; 08-05-2010 at 06:04 AM.

  6. #6


    You would need a scope to perfectly match the amps knobs (if that is possible). So there will most likely be a slight pulse if you try to do it by hand. You can do as the manual and I mentioned to level out the pulse, but there is not pulse off on that model.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

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