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Thread: PowerTIG 210EXT loses settings

  1. Default PowerTIG 210EXT loses settings

    I've had a PowerTIG 210EXT for a few months now. The way my welding cart is set-up I can't reach the power switch on the back of the 210EXT, I leave the power switch turned on and use an extension cord to plug the 210EXT in to the outlet and I flip the breaker in the fuse box to turn the 210EXT on and off. I will be getting a wall switch that can handle the load of the welder because I know it's not good to keep flipping the circuit on and off.
    Every time I flip the circuit to turn on the 210EXT I have to reset the settings on the machine. What I had set on the 210EXT before I turned it off is gone. I have to set everything again; ac/dc, arc start, amps, preflow, postflow, etc.
    Is this normal? Or is there something wrong with my unit?

  2. #2


    Use the switch on the rear of the machine.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Use the switch on the rear of the machine.
    So you telling me that the power switch does "magic" and saves the settings?
    That stinks, I have an flip-up extension table on my cart that keeps me from getting to the switch from the side, and 3 300cu bottles on the back of the cart keeping me from getting the switch from the back. Plus on the other side I have my mig welder which has the side door facing the only side I can get to on the cart
    How hard would it be to relocate the power switch to an area I can get to?
    I never understood why some welding machines have the switch on the back when all the dials/buttons are on the front where the user is. We have a miller tig unit at work that's pushed in the corner that you have to reach around the back to flip the switch, basically it's like little Freddy in the backseat of his dads car with his girlfriend trying to under her bra for the first time, just fumbling around

  4. #4


    I'm not an Everlast employee or representative so take my advise for what it's worth.

    I would move the machine out of the cart far enough to test if the switch saves your settings, then if so maybe swap to a contactor arrangement or make a remote mechanical actuator for the rear switch.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Switch Actuator -.jpg 
Views:	304 
Size:	146.8 KB 
ID:	14226
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Use the switch on the rear of the machine.
    I finally got a chance to go try the switch on the back of the unit.
    No difference, I still lose all my previous settings. Amps go back down to 3, pre-flow is 0, and it goes to stick instead of hf tig

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by zoama View Post
    I'm not an Everlast employee or representative so take my advise for what it's worth.

    I would move the machine out of the cart far enough to test if the switch saves your settings, then if so maybe swap to a contactor arrangement or make a remote mechanical actuator for the rear switch.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Switch Actuator -.jpg 
Views:	304 
Size:	146.8 KB 
ID:	14226
    I never thought of mechanical lever like that, I even have room to add a guide between the tanks and the table
    Thanks for the idea

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by swampy View Post
    I finally got a chance to go try the switch on the back of the unit.
    No difference, I still lose all my previous settings. Amps go back down to 3, pre-flow is 0, and it goes to stick instead of hf tig
    Call tech support at ext 207

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