Went up and met Duncan and Jean at their shop ( Ontario Canada ) and test drove a PP50 . Took it home on the spot. Cut some 3/16 and piece of 1/2 very nice cut, smooth clean, narrow kerf and a very small amount of slag on the backside of the cut. It fell off just touching it.
Fit and finish of the machine is very good. The only problem with assembly of the unit is the mount for the included water trap. Will build one that is a little easier to install. Clearance for the machine screws is far to tight.
Ran it a bit today on various metal thicknesses and the machine is quite forgiving. It will give a great cut over a variety of settings both amperage and air. on lower amperage excessive air was causing the arc to cut in and out. Turned the air down a bit and it was back to great cuts.
Over the next few weeks after a little more time using this unit I will give another report. As of right now it looks like I have a winner.
Again thank you Jean and Duncan for helping us out and answering our questions. I may be back sooner than expected for the TIG !