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Thread: Packing Slip, or amount of consumables?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In the Land of CoRn

    Default Packing Slip, or amount of consumables?

    When my 256 arrived, the bottom of the box was blown out, and it was missing some obvious items. Pedal, no consumables tig or cutter, and no documentation.

    I have noticed that there is reference to some documentation from the factory. I downloaded the current manual, but is there a packing slip telling me what I should have?

    Alex sent me a pedal(older style, was hoping for the newer, as Jodi got one!), and consumables. The tig consumables matched up to the picture, but the plasma consumables did not.

    Either the picture is wrong, or I didn't get enough consumables. Can someone chime in?

  2. Default

    I am not sure about the quantity of Plasma consumables. But i believe the amount is supposed to be 5 of each Electrode / Tip and the Ceramic nozzle has a groove in it to accept a Wire standoff. You can see the correct Ceramic in the top corner of the picture ( I supply 5 tips / Electrodes but the cons are different as i use a different torch to that of the U.S . ( main picture of Cons)
    The Tig Consumables is correct.
    As for the Pedal in the Welding tips and Tricks .
    I sent the unit from here in Canada so this is why the Pedal is a different style and when the plasma section of the Videos are up the Torch used will be different to what Our US customers have.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSCF2368.jpg 
Views:	340 
Size:	84.7 KB 
ID:	498  

    905 637 1637

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In the Land of CoRn


    Thank you Duncan for your reply!

    anyone else?

  4. #4


    Slick typically,
    You for a multi unit: On plasma you will get an additional cup or two, 3-4 nozzles and an equal amount of electrodes. The tig will have a vacuum packed card with ceramic cups 5,6,7, a collet for 1/16,3/32, and 1/8, along with a short cap. But there is a ziplock bag with all those in it along with your water trap/filter, mounting bracket, gauge, and a few other odds and ends.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In the Land of CoRn


    Thank you, for the response. Although as I thought, the water trap/ regulator was missing also. I did get 3 cups, 3 tips, and 5 electrodes, so I guess I got a lil more.

    I was just a little concerned from the pic on the product page, and the replacement parts came in a box that had been taped up where a corner was damaged, and the plastic pouch holding the plasma consumables was open.

    I thought perhaps UPS had duped me again!

  6. #6


    I hope when my welder shows up UPS doesn't rape my box.
    Hobart 140 mig
    Century 300 amp AC stick
    Oxy-Accetylene torch
    Milwaukee 14" chop saw
    Evolution compound miter cold cut saw

  7. #7


    So Slick,
    Did they make you whole again? Did you get what you where missing? Did UPS foot the bill?
    Big Willy in Rockford, Il. Power Pro 205, Lincoln 140 Mig, Oxy/Acetylene rig with a Cobra Torch, Full up Motorcycle shop.
    Active Ironbutt Member.

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