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Thread: PowerArc 200 Rocks!

  1. #1

    Default PowerArc 200 Rocks!

    Just a quick post too let Everlast know I am very pleased with my new PowerArc 200 inverter I have used this for about a week now and can find no faults! Lots of power for a great price!
    including a picture of 1st pass on a fillet weld done today on 1/2" to 1" plate,5/32 7018 at 165 amps EP
    Regards Bob

    wide weave cover 1/8 ,7024 ,140 amp, en

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	100_6027PowerArc1 (Small).jpg 
Views:	38604 
Size:	57.8 KB 
ID:	520   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wide weave (Custom).jpg 
Views:	8832 
Size:	42.3 KB 
ID:	521  
    Last edited by Doxie; 09-22-2010 at 07:55 PM. Reason: Pict
    Trermal Arc T-Bird 270 Amp gas welder gen
    Thermal Arc Pro Wave 185
    PowerArc 200
    power Imig 205
    SM 200-N mig spool gun
    Riland 60 Plasma
    HF 40 Plasma
    ReadyWelder II
    180 Amp Diesel Welder Gen
    Henrob Torch
    Arcair K4000
    2 Ox-Aect outfits

  2. #2


    I tried to tell people this earlier in some of my posting, now you are showing them, it is a great welder. Very reasonably priced and power to spare.

  3. #3


    This might be the next thing I get from them, I like the small package and the price, if they had one in stock when I got my plasma I might have just grabbed one then, I'll have to see, I hate to haul my 250ex all over the place, I hate for it to get damaged. Looks like it welds good, hows it do overhead and vertical up? is the 6010 thing as neat as I am told? my 250 so far has burned those (6010/11) great although it wasn't apparently designed for it.

  4. Default

    Glad to see your up and running . I still have not had the chance to get out to do a bit of fishing .

    I can not really answer the overhead . But i had a Customer in today and he specifically wanted to try out the vertical up weld and after burning a couple of rods in 6011 and 7014 he was very pleased with the performance

    905 637 1637

  5. Default First pass thickness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doxie View Post
    Just a quick post too let Everlast know I am very pleased with my new PowerArc 200 inverter I have used this for about a week now and can find no faults! Lots of power for a great price!
    including a picture of 1st pass on a fillet weld done today on 1/2" to 1" plate,5/32 7018 at 165 amps EP
    Regards Bob

    wide weave cover 1/8 ,7024 ,140 amp, en

    Is this typical of the first pass thickness you can weld with the Power Arc 200?

  6. #6


    to answer your question about over head and v^ all though i dont have a 200 i have the 160. it works perfect and as far as the 6010 port it worked great while doing root's

  7. #7


    Yes, this is typical, though I'd suggest starting with a smaller rod and a smaller pass. Multiple passes are better.

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