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Thread: Everlast 2011 line

  1. #1

    Default Everlast 2011 line

    Everlast 2011 is right around the corner...Christmas in November so to speak. We are going to be giving sneak peaks at our product releases that will be released officially November 2 at Fabtech in Atlanta.

    The first to be announced is our MTS 400. Its a MIG/FLUX CORE/TIG/STICK/CARBON ARC power source. It'll be a dual voltage/dual phase machine with 220 1 phase and 460 3 phase. It will feature a detached feeder for portability. It will be 60% duty cycle at 400 amps and on 460 3 phase power. It will be 60% duty cycle at 225 amps on 220V 1 phase power. It has crater filling capacity on 4T mig operation, as well as inductance and arc force control.

    Its our first 400 amp unit, and we have more where that came from(so to speak).

    Retail is 2999.00. BUT the first 5 commercial shop pre-orders we receive will get a HEAVY discount. We are aiming this unit at the Miller XMT market...Its not a copy. Not a clone, but it is its own welder with its own unique set of features. But we feel we can compete quite well in the market with this unit. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Oshawa, Ontario


    Nice machine Mark,if possible could you send me a set of picsand a spec sheet to my email so I can forward it to my employer. I think they might just be interested. Also could you let me know as soon as your helmets are in/specs and prices also? By the way I am putting the superultra 205 to very good use and I am very happy with it. Thank you,

  3. #3


    Next on release list are the all new and DIGITAL Power I-TIGs 250,315, and 400 DX, with pulse and program memory.

    This is an excellent unit for commercial pipline and construction with excellent stick performance with adjustable hot start and arc force control. It is designed to handle the cellulose based rods and give excellent low spatter performance with 7018 as well.

    Of course, the DC only tig can handle about any job, whether running a root pass or welding up a race frame. This unit does not have AC but that's its only limit. Some might compare this unit to the Maxstar units from Miller, but do not compare too closely as you'll find even more features on the Everlast units for a much better price.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by performance; 10-14-2010 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #4


    cant wait to see the new a/c capable models!

  5. #5


    I hope they don't all go to these panels, the knobs on my EX are my favorite feature over other machines.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by cmd View Post
    I hope they don't all go to these panels, the knobs on my EX are my favorite feature over other machines.

    Dont even worry ,we NOT dropping analog units ! 250EX is the best selling unit for us.. we are not loosing it !

    Last edited by performance; 10-15-2010 at 05:02 AM.
    Oleg Gladshteyn
    Phone: 650 588 8082 / 877 755 WELD
    Cell: 415 613 6664 ONLY IF YOU REALLY NEED IT

  7. #7


    The EX isn't going away. It MAY get some subtle changes for the future to keep things fresh, but not any time soon.

    However, here's a few things to think about with the new design:
    1) Settings are repeatable and you can save them. If you find a setting you like or prefer for a certain process, you can get back to it without guessing or trying to remember exactly where the pointer was set between the ticks.

    2) Settings are accurate: What's the difference on the 250 EX between 30 and 35% AC balance? Can you hit it dead on the mark? Pulse amps can be set exactly along with the main operating amps without trying to "guess" exactly what your amps are set on.

    3) The digital control system allows the improved DC welding charachteristics over and beyond the current design.

    4) You can see the actual settings of each feature still without complicated pull up menus. Simply rotate your selector knob and the LED's will travel around in a logical order, allowing you to quickly ascertain each individual exact setting.

    5)Graphical representation of the full welding cycle is represented and each LED lights as it progresses through the cycle. This improves understanding of each feature and the purpose it serves. If you will look carefully, you can see Pre and Post gas flow, up and down slope represented, and even pulse charactheristics are represented graphically to "demystify" and explain the actual function as it happens and how it happens.

    With full digital controls, you do end up with higher quality possible results.

    Not going to ding the EX or any of the PowerTig series, but this new generation control will give an edge on performance and consistency.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    How many presets do you get? Looks like a single digit display?

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  9. #9


    10; 0-9 Don't forget to count the 0 as 1

  10. #10


    Wrench tamer,
    Ask and ye shall receive...

    For 2011, we are introducing our line of all new PowerTig EX-T series of digital AC/DC Pulse welders. This unit has been developed with joint technical development and input from S. Korea. As we began thinking about new product lines after the spring introduction and success of the PowerTig line in 2009, we began a sincere effort to offer a line of units with even higher technical capability and function. Along with our thinking was a simplified design with plug and play ability of parts for quick and economical service. This is the result of our efforts.

    Production and delivery is scheduled to begin early next year with models ranging from 250, 315, and even up to 400 amps will eventually be produced. For a digital welder, the controls are simple and intuitive to use. Graphical representation of each function is represented that makes setting the correct function quick and easy. Improvements in design and function will be apparent over our current series, with AC bias control which will allow individual setting of the + and - half cycle of the AC current. Combined with pulse, this is an excellent feature for controlling heat input, tungsten shape and cleaning width on Aluminum. Advanced wave form control with varying AC wave form will be available as well to adjust arc characteristics while welding aluminum. Improved stick welding ability improves 6010 performance over the current EX series. Duty cycle will be a full 60% at 250 amps and 315 amps. Water cooler lines exit the front for convenient hook up. New and improved torches and accessories will be offered.

    Pictured is our pre-production model that will be at Fabtech in Atlanta.

    But for the current PowerTig fans and customers, don't worry, the current series is here to stay. You may see a few spill over improvements in the current line later down the road, but we want to improve our offerings in the higher end product line.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by performance; 10-16-2010 at 12:35 AM.

  11. Default

    What are the voltage requirements of the new 315ext and the 400ext ?

    Single phase or three phase ?

    Thanks Jake

  12. #12


    Jake the units will be 3 phase for now, 460V. The 250 will be single phase 220. Eventually, they will be dual voltage/phase. That will take a bit more development work. The PowerMTS is dual voltage/phase, but it has taken some time to get all the testing and work done to make sure it is solid, and of course, it is. It is possible that the units will be merged into a 250/315 multi voltage/phase machine to cap the amp requirements. But that is not on the books now.

  13. Default

    Thanks three phase here is not an option unfortunatly . I have one of everlast ac/dc 250 mosfet units and love it just need more power to push through some of the heavy casting repairs.

  14. #14


    You'll find the IGBT PowerTig 250EX that we have now is MUCH stronger than the older 250 mosfets.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    You'll find the IGBT PowerTig 250EX that we have now is MUCH stronger than the older 250 mosfets.
    I've got my Linconl Precision TIG 225 for sale after popping a 100a (dual 50a) breaker last night welding 3/8 AL. I'll leave the explatives in the shop

    I just bought a Power Plasma 60 and love it. The 250EX has my eye and digital would cinch the deal. I've used the new Lincoln and Miller and they are sweet but the price.... Ouch!

    I heard something about the new line being available soon. Is their a date or are you actually going to hold off until next year to release them?


    Steve Schefer
    Santa Rosa, CA.
    Last edited by sschefer; 10-20-2010 at 09:19 PM.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by sschefer View Post
    I've got my Linconl Precision TIG 225 for sale after popping a 100a breaker last night welding 3/8 AL. I'll leave the explatives in the shop

    I just bought a Power Plasma 60 and love it. The 250EX has my eye and digital would cinch the deal. I've used the new Lincoln and Miller and they are sweet but the price.... Ouch!

    I heard something about the new line being available soon. Is their a date or are you actually going to hold off until next year to release them?


    Steve Schefer
    Santa Rosa, CA.
    First post in this thread says Nov 2nd.

    Millermatic 251
    Spectrum 300 Plasma
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool W300
    Harris / Victor OA
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    ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
    48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
    Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
    Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Rugar View Post
    First post in this thread says Nov 2nd.
    Yes, I understood that to be at Fabtech and no mention of a 250EX with the digital panel. I'm wondering when they'll hit South San Francisco.

  18. #18


    Okay, lets clarify some things. I think there is something that I may not have made clear.

    The 250EX is remaining essentially unchanged for the near and semi distant future.

    The digital units will go into production sometime in January. These units are designated with an additional letter T. I.E. 250 EXT

    The 250 DX is DC only and it is going to be available in limited quantities starting in January.

    BUT, these units or a example of them will be unveiled at fabtech on Nov. 2.
    Last edited by performance; 10-21-2010 at 01:36 AM.

  19. #19


    Thanks Mark.. I just blew the breaker again in the middle of welding. So, as soon as I can unload the Lincoln I'll be placing my order for a 250EX.


    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  20. Default

    Will everlast have at booth at the Perfromance Racing Industry (PRI) trade show this year? it's dec 9-12 in Orlando.

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