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Thread: Free welding training materials...

  1. Default Free welding training materials...

    EASB provides free CD's and printed book(let)s at the following web address;

    If you choose the complete pack of CD's, you will get all of the ones listed individually below.

    On that same page, third sentence down from top, you will be taken to a WORD file where you can choose additional materials.

    I chose some booklets from the WORD doc so I could have a quick reference, like TIG welding, MIG welding and Oxy-Acetylene handbooks.

    They were sent completely free of charge in 3 or 4 days.

    Great stuff for everybody.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Orlando, Florida


    Very good info, greatly apreciated.

  3. Default

    I ordered a set last week, thanks for the link.
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

  4. #4


    Thanks for the info. I just order the CD's and booklets.
    CH 110 mig/flux
    Looking to step up to Everlast tig

  5. #5


    I tried to order these materials when this link was first posted. I never recieved the discs but got some pretty cool posters instead.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 205
    HF 90 am inverter tig
    Scopes, Scanners, Meters

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Helpful post- thanks for the link. I placed an order, and hopefully more than posters will arrive.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The Boonies of Texas


    Thanks for the link. I also placed an order. I need all the education I can get.

    Miller Bobcat 3 Phase,
    Miller Suitcase X-Treme 12VS wire feeder for the Bobcat with M-25 300A .045" gun / Bernard 400A 5/64" wire mig gun .
    26 series gas cooled TIG torch, setup for quick connect to Bobcat.
    17 series gas cooled Tig Torch for Low Amp Solar Tig (Direct Solar Panel Powered Tig welding)
    Hobart Handler 187 Mig / Fluxcore
    EVERLAST PowerUltra 205P
    EVERLAST PowerTig 250 EXT 2013 Model

  8. #8


    miller also has a good box of training books for $25:

    nothing earth shattering, but at the very least there's a pretty cool history of welding in one of them.
    McGuire Irvine
    Crow Motor Co.

    Lincoln powermig 225 (work)

  9. Default

    Mine have never showed up at the house. I guess I'll have to reorder.
    I think a follow up call would be a little gauche since it's free stuff....
    I am out trying to 'find myself'. If I should wander back while I am gone, please tell me to sit quietly and wait for myself to return.

    LOTS of scuba and vintage scuba equipment [I'm Always willing to trade or buy the stuff you think is too old to use]
    Smithy XLT Mill/lathe [It was easier to learn than I thought, I'm no pro, but I can make a bearing hanger]
    Everlast PP256

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