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Thread: New 250EX owner, a few problems

  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by angular View Post
    I've been hesitant to post anything since the forum upgrade & data loss. I'm a software engineer and work with databases all the time. The #1 rule before you run any kind of upgrade script is to make a full backup of your database.

    Getting back to welding & welders... I replaced that multiplexer chip and my 250EX is back to normal operation. Life is good. Now if I only knew how to weld! Ha.
    The new forum uses different views and foreign key's so the data doesn't come straight over, you have to run the conversion against the database to update the schema. Sounds like that's the part that was missed. Oh well, too late to run it now. LOL.. Been there done that....

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    Pretty close Sschefer,
    The schema was updated ok , but the indexing was fubar, Mike did the work , but we don’t have direct access to the Db server so had to work through a supplied UI, turns out Mike ended up deleting all the indexes then rebuilding them all. I didn’t get a chance to poke at it (I hate DBA stuff anyway) but Mike worked his A$$ off on it. ,
    Last edited by Ray; 02-17-2011 at 01:10 AM. Reason: Mis cut and paste from word.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Adambomb View Post
    Angular, did you still need some inside pics of my unit?
    If you get a chance... next time you have the cover off shoot me an e-mail (btp -> or call me (two five three 951-4712). There are three places inside my unit where components have been cut or are missing, so I'd like to compare.

    Diode V55 here on the main board up top:

    1K resistor (next to diode V79) on the main board up top, near the front:

    Capacitor C9 on vertical board mounted near front on left side (when looking at front panel):



  4. #104
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Thousand Oaks, California


    Sorry for the delay Bradley, but I replaced my rear cover today and checked my unit against the pics you provided. In each of the three locations, I had the same modifications. My unit functions perfectly now, so if you still have any issues it is not because of these particular mods. Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0153.jpg 
Views:	400 
Size:	145.0 KB 
ID:	1206Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0157.jpg 
Views:	368 
Size:	144.7 KB 
ID:	1207Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0156.jpg 
Views:	386 
Size:	141.7 KB 
ID:	1208
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

  5. #105
    Join Date
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    Thousand Oaks, California


    To illistrate how well the welder is working, here is 2 titanium coupons, .015" thick autogenously lap welded together. I'm looking forward to getting a back purge set up to do the welds properly.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	improved auto ti weld.JPG 
Views:	586 
Size:	134.6 KB 
ID:	1209 I'm also looking forward to getting some titanium tig rod and making a custom Ti battery box for my old Kaw
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

  6. #106


    Adam... thank you very much! I got your voice message and really appreciate you taking the time to post the pictures. I definitely feel better knowing your 250EX is the same as mine.
    PowerTig 250EX

  7. #107
    Join Date
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    Thousand Oaks, California


    You're welcome Bradley I hope you got your machine squared away and running right. I just refilled my argon tank for the first time. Considering the amount of actual welding time I have put in, the 248 cuft cylinder should have lasted quite a bit longer. It would seem that I had a small leak at the tank fitting, since anytime I turned the valve off the residual pressure would bleed off in 15 minutes. At first I thought I might have gotten one of the cracked regulators, but I could not find any evidence that there was anything wrong with it. Now that I have a new bottle, it holds pressure just fine. I think it was the bottle I had
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

  8. #108
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    Thousand Oaks, California


    YAY! My WP20 torch arrived today. I ripped it out of the package,'s soooooo tiny! Here is the stocker next to the 20 torchClick image for larger version. 

Name:	WP18 and WP20 torches.JPG 
Views:	351 
Size:	138.6 KB 
ID:	1223
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

  9. #109
    Join Date
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    Thousand Oaks, California


    OK guys, I ran into a small snag. When I went to assemble my new torch, I couldn't get the cup to thread onto the collet body. It seems there were not enough threads exposed past the insulator to even get the cup started on the collet body. This was with the collet body threaded on fully and seated in the torch head. Has anyone else had a similar circumstance with their everlast WP20 torch?
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

  10. #110
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    Thousand Oaks, California


    On top is the collet, gas lense and cup I just bought. On the bottom is the stock supplied parts. The gas lense and associated cup fits just fine, But the stock parts are a little iffy. I'm sure I must be doing something wrong, since I checked the stock collet body against one at the LWS, and they looked identical.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	stock and gas collet WP20.JPG 
Views:	347 
Size:	133.9 KB 
ID:	1224
    PowerTig 250EX
    Lincolon SP135+ MIG
    Hypertherm Powermax 600

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