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Thread: My welder has arrived

  1. Default My welder has arrived

    Finally, after a long wait, my 225 LX has arrived.

    The box the helmet came in was a little beat up.....

    Thankfully though the helmet is just fine.

    As was the welder itself.

    Unfortunately I need to replace the water pump on my wife's mini van, wire the garage for the welder and swing to HF for some tungsten's before I can start playing with it.

    For some reason I thought the "included consumables" would include a tungsten or two but I guess not.

  2. Default

    I got to play a little tonight. Not much as I think I'm out of gas.

    Also, I was only able to get 1/16th" tungsten a HF and I think there a little under matched for the 1/8th" filler rod I have.

    Still, all the hours I spent watching videos on You tube seem to have helped.

    First started just by striking an arc then my first attempt at adding filler is the one on the left and my second is the one on the far right.

    Now I am by no means anything but a noob that is teaching myself how to do this but I think for the 2 minutes I have under the hood the second one ain't to shabby

    As of right now I can't speak to the quality of the machine as I have no idea what I'm doing but So far so good.

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