Today I noticed some strange behaviour with my installation of the cut50d. I have had trouble striking arcs in the past days (I just started using it) and today I didn't even get air. I looked into it. When placing the ground clamp on the work piece I noticed really small arcs just as the clamp was about to touch the workpiece. The first thing I wondered about is that I had not grounded the chassis only the ground wire on the power plug so I added a chassis ground wire to the power plug. The sparks were still there. there was still no air or arc. I then noticed if I held the ground clamp in my hand not touching anything else and held the torch right next to it I would get air and arc. I placed my workpiece on a pice of wood so it was insulated from my metal work bench, attached the clamp and presto I got a great cut. I am pretty sure this is not normal although at least I have a workaround. Can anyone advise me what the problem might be? I suspect insulating all my workpieces will become a hassle.