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Thread: Foot Pedal Upgrade

  1. #1

    Default Foot Pedal Upgrade

    The Everlast Foot Pedal just didn't work for me so I called SSC Controls and they made me a Lincoln Style pedal.. I got it today... One word describes it....


    125.00 plus shipping. It was 138.26 to my door. They made it the day I called and shipped it the next.

    The model is Custom Build # L50,000-S-25FT. Just tell them to build you one just like they did for Steve Schefer. Their number is 440-205-1600.

    They didn't have a 7 pin connector to match to the 250EX so I had them leave it off. I cut the connector off the old foot pedal leaving about a 2' pigtail and spliced it together rather than futzing with the connector. The wiring is as follows:

    Everlast ------------------------> SSC

    Black --------------------------> Black --- Pin 1
    Blue ----------------------------> White -- Pin 2
    Gray ---------------------------> Blue --- Pin 3
    Brown --------------------------> Brown -- Pin 4
    Green/Yellow -------------------> Red ----- Pin 5

    Then SHORT pins 6 and 7 so the welder knows it is a foot pedal connected.

    I fired off on a piece of cold 1/8" Al with 115 amps and laid down a perfect weld with total control of the heat.

    I've been holding off on saying anything about buying the control. I didn't want to get everyone all excited over nothing if it was a flop.

    I highly recommend it... I'd like to see Everlast partner up with SSC and sell these things as an option. I don't know if the pricing fits with the Everalst product line so including it as a standard might not work too well.

    I don't know though, it certainly makes the welder do a 180 when it comes to finite control.

    Now excuse me while I go play with some practice welds..
    Last edited by sschefer; 12-07-2010 at 09:21 PM.

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  2. #2


    Those look nice, I only pedal like 10% of the time but I will keep this in mind. the EX is a great powerunit, I just like smoother accessories, same as you.

  3. #3


    Hey Steve,

    Thanks for sharing your info. Sure others will be in the market for their pedal and your mod.

    Looks like you will need to lengthen the torch and clamp now, if you have not done it already.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  4. #4


    Is there a link to photos missing? Or were they deleted by the OP?

    The replies have "looks" like there is something to look at but no attachment.

  5. #5



    I went to their website to see the pedal. It is a low profiles. I don't really use a pedal with the stuff I work on, but I might use one if I had a cool low profile.

    Steve just posted the details on how to wire the custom one they made for him. I talked to him a few weeks ago, so I knew he was working on it. He has done it and is sharing all the pinouts if you like their pedal. Seems he does a lot.

    One things I did not mention. Steve, you might want to put the Everlast pin numbers rather than the wire color. Over the years, the colors have moved around. Thanks again.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post

    I went to their website to see the pedal. It is a low profiles. I don't really use a pedal with the stuff I work on, but I might use one if I had a cool low profile.

    Steve just posted the details on how to wire the custom one they made for him. I talked to him a few weeks ago, so I knew he was working on it. He has done it and is sharing all the pinouts if you like their pedal. Seems he does a lot.

    One things I did not mention. Steve, you might want to put the Everlast pin numbers rather than the wire color. Over the years, the colors have moved around. Thanks again.
    I'll put the pinouts up this evening. I just translated them using a multi-meter but if you've never done that before it can be a little confusing so pin-outs will be here tonight.

    Update --- I just posted the pin outs in the original post. This is as they are on my 250EX. I can't tell you that this is going to be the same on your machine but you could send your footpedal to SSC and have them reverse engineer it for you.

    Also, their website is I dealt with Jim and Brent Moll. Nice guys putting out a quality product.
    Last edited by sschefer; 12-07-2010 at 09:42 PM.

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Hey Steve,

    Thanks for sharing your info. Sure others will be in the market for their pedal and your mod.

    Looks like you will need to lengthen the torch and clamp now, if you have not done it already.
    LOL, yep the torches are all 25' now. I get the kits at I haven't changed the work cable yet but probably will soon. I might just go with a dinse style extender for that.

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  8. Default

    Those pedals look very small.

    How much travel do they have?

    I'm getting more comfortable with the pivot in the Everlast pedal but it is a little unnatural feeling.

    Not to get off topic but isn't there a new Everlast pedal coming out? If so will it work with the 225 LX.

    Are there any differences between the 250 EX and 225 LX as far as the pedals and pin outs are concerned?

  9. #9


    When it gets here. In the mean time the old pedal has been strengthened with a stronger down rod, at least on some of the ones I have seen.

  10. #10


    Thanks for posting and showing the link for your new pedal. I may just go that route myself.
    Wondering if Everlast could just supply us with the 7 pin plug we need to convent other brand pedals and torch switch's. Sure would make things easier. With as many people now wanting to change out pedals and hand switches, it might just make their machines more appealing to people wanting one if they were easily upgraded.

    Millermatic 251
    Spectrum 300 Plasma
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool W300
    Harris / Victor OA
    Craftsman 13 Speed Drill Press
    ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
    48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
    Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
    Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    Gerald - here is one source I found for an Everlast style 7 pin plug:
    Price is $6 shipped for 2.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by jakeru View Post
    Gerald - here is one source I found for an Everlast style 7 pin plug:
    Price is $6 shipped for 2.
    Bingo! Thanks Jakeru. When Steve sees this he will probably kick himself for cutting the plug off of his.

    I just ordered the plugs. Will post when they get here to let everyone know if they fit or not. They sure look the same. What the heck, only 6 bucks.
    Last edited by Rugar; 12-08-2010 at 05:21 AM.

    Millermatic 251
    Spectrum 300 Plasma
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool W300
    Harris / Victor OA
    Craftsman 13 Speed Drill Press
    ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
    48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
    Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
    Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Rugar View Post
    Bingo! Thanks Jakeru. When Steve sees this he will probably kick himself for cutting the plug off of his.

    I just ordered the plugs. Will post when they get here to let everyone know if they fit or not. They sure look the same. What the heck, only 6 bucks.
    Rugar, I saw those but wasn't sure so I held off. Let us know if they work. Don't forget to short pin's 6&7. You just use a jumper at the plug to do that.

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Greater Seattle, WA


    I like my ~3 year old, metal everlast footpedal. I just got it "tweaked" so I can get 1 amp on contactor switch engagement now, and 197 amps at pedal full down. (You can test this by viewing the digital readout by the way, without actually lighting an arc, by switching the machine into Stick welding/MMA mode.)

    Only thing I wish my footpedal had was, about a 7' or so longer cord. Does anyone have a reasonably priced source for an appropriate, flexible 5 conductor wiring for making a footpedal extension? Or does anyone know what gauge conductors would be necessary?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0004.JPG 
Views:	918 
Size:	64.3 KB 
ID:	640  
    Last edited by jakeru; 12-08-2010 at 04:47 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska


    Those unfortunately are the wrong connectors, they are too small, I ordered 6 and they will not work. I’m looking for a source for the correct connectors.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
    Those unfortunately are the wrong connectors, they are too small, I ordered 6 and they will not work. I’m looking for a source for the correct connectors.

    please announce this if you find something. I have been looking.

    looked here? there is similar, not same, not that i found, awesome company though, they have tons of stuff.
    Last edited by cmd; 12-08-2010 at 05:23 PM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray View Post
    Those unfortunately are the wrong connectors, they are too small, I ordered 6 and they will not work. I’m looking for a source for the correct connectors.
    Well at least it was only 6 bucks.

    Millermatic 251
    Spectrum 300 Plasma
    Everlast PowerTig 250EX
    Everlast PowerCool W300
    Harris / Victor OA
    Craftsman 13 Speed Drill Press
    ProTools Air/Hydraulic Bender
    48" Brake, 72" Brake, 52" Stomp Shear
    Mitler Bros. 36" High Throat Bead Roller
    Compressor, Notchers, Grinders, etc.

  18. Default

    great info, I don't use the pedal much, but it would be nice to have a lower profile one.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by WILD BILL View Post
    Those pedals look very small.

    How much travel do they have?

    I'm getting more comfortable with the pivot in the Everlast pedal but it is a little unnatural feeling.

    Not to get off topic but isn't there a new Everlast pedal coming out? If so will it work with the 225 LX.

    Are there any differences between the 250 EX and 225 LX as far as the pedals and pin outs are concerned?
    Bill, the travel seems seems adequate. I always add 10 amps to the max of whatever the book/calculator says and that pretty much covers the working range I like to be in.

    Call Mike or Mark for info on the new Everlast pedals.
    Pinouts will need to be confirmed by Mike or Mark also.

    You'd want to get an O.K. from Everlast to do this but I see no reason why you couldn't just get a more standard female Amphenol connector with at least 7 pins and replace the one that's on the machine now. Changing connectors is more like plumbing than it is electronics.

    Torches are just two wires on pins 1 & 2 and no jumper on 6&7. A couple of finish nails and aligator clips will get you by. I don't recommend that as a permanent application. O.K. I don't plan to change mine but I did solder the wires to the nails.
    Last edited by sschefer; 12-09-2010 at 12:14 AM.

    Miller 212
    Everlast 250EX
    Everlast PowerPlasma 60
    Victor O/A
    Current Project: 21' Jet Sled Rat Boat.

  20. Default

    I have no problem doing electrical

    I did all the wiring in my garage as well as in my race car

    Right now I'm waiting to hear more about the Everlast pedal beofre I decide what to do.

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