The Everlast Foot Pedal just didn't work for me so I called SSC Controls and they made me a Lincoln Style pedal.. I got it today... One word describes it....
125.00 plus shipping. It was 138.26 to my door. They made it the day I called and shipped it the next.
The model is Custom Build # L50,000-S-25FT. Just tell them to build you one just like they did for Steve Schefer. Their number is 440-205-1600.
They didn't have a 7 pin connector to match to the 250EX so I had them leave it off. I cut the connector off the old foot pedal leaving about a 2' pigtail and spliced it together rather than futzing with the connector. The wiring is as follows:
Everlast ------------------------> SSC
Black --------------------------> Black --- Pin 1
Blue ----------------------------> White -- Pin 2
Gray ---------------------------> Blue --- Pin 3
Brown --------------------------> Brown -- Pin 4
Green/Yellow -------------------> Red ----- Pin 5
Then SHORT pins 6 and 7 so the welder knows it is a foot pedal connected.
I fired off on a piece of cold 1/8" Al with 115 amps and laid down a perfect weld with total control of the heat.
I've been holding off on saying anything about buying the control. I didn't want to get everyone all excited over nothing if it was a flop.
I highly recommend it... I'd like to see Everlast partner up with SSC and sell these things as an option. I don't know if the pricing fits with the Everalst product line so including it as a standard might not work too well.
I don't know though, it certainly makes the welder do a 180 when it comes to finite control.
Now excuse me while I go play with some practice welds..