To address what a previous poster said.
I worked for FedEx Express, and when a item was over a certain weight, a odd shape or over sized it would not go through the sort system, and it would be handled by hand. The weight changed over the years as they upgraded the matrix in the HUB.
Its not that one 100 lbs package would shut it down, but if you added say 100, 100 lbs packages to the million plus other packages it would require some serious HP, and belts to move them through the 100's of miles of belts.
It truely is an amazing system to watch. These Packages were called "Non-Cons" or nonconvebles. The would be put on a bottom belt in input (where all freight enters the system from trucks and planes) allowed to run to the end where baggages carts waited for them to be pulled to the different slides. They would then be carried to the next container that it would need to be placed in. This is also the same system they used for hazardous materials.
And yes, if Jimmy or Sally was pissed that they were put on "non-cons" your package didn't get handled with the greatest of care. It was not the assignment most wanted.
I find it odd that USPS would have got a better rating as I helped train the "Evergreen" people that did most of their shipping in the 90's, and they didn't really care about anything, as long as it would fit. Although last I heard FedEX was now doing shipping for the USPS.
I also had the pleasure of touring the local UPS facility, and the UPS Louisville ramp. They new we were VIP's and still handled box's like they were playing football with them, so lord only knows how they acted when they didn't think people were watching!
So to recap.... yes larger, odd shaped, and hazardous materials are not sent through the sort matrix at FedEX.
I cannot speak for Ground as that was a trucking company that FedEx bought out, and is treated as a seperate entity.
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