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Thread: Preparing for the UPS truck...

  1. #1

    Talking Preparing for the UPS truck...

    Well, I've spent the last few days reviewing Jody Colliers vids and explanations of "all those freakin knobs" on the Everlast machine among other things, and I think I have a clue (at least what everything does in theory)! I made myself a bunch of notes using his down and dirty recommended settings, electrodes, filler rod etc. Now all I need is that green box to show up!
    After more research I was a little suprised to learn that the 225LX comes with a watercooled torch. I don't really know if this is a good thing or a bad thing? I really don't want to spend the money for a cooler just now but after doing some research it doesn't seem to be needed initially depending on the welders use. Regardless, I'll probably snag cooler down the road. It kind of sucks because I've alredy burned my Christmas bucks on the welder, Argon, electrodes, filler rod and a cart. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to be patient!

  2. #2


    Yes, having the water cooled torch is a good thing, you will soon find that out when you go over 160 amps for an extended period of time. It is better to have a water cooled torch and just be missing a cooler than to have to buy both to take advantage of the 225's power. Use a faucet or something else until the budget gets back in line. Getting a cooler gives a man something to look forward to, and we all need that.

  3. Default


    I am also waiting for the "Truck", and also did not order a cooler.
    But I think that building one should be easy.

    Basically a plastic reservoir, a water pump, an old car radiator and a fan.
    A little fabrication with the new toy, (neat first project), and Bob's your uncle.


  4. #4


    I'll probably buy one because of my lack of space. I think a factory built unit will likely have a smaller footprint. I've researched what others have built and have figured it wouldn't be too hard to make something functional though. I'm getting ready to give up half the worksho, uh, I mean the garage so the better half can park her car inside again dangit!

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