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Thread: New guy from Toronto

  1. #1

    Thumbs up New guy from Toronto

    Hi all,

    I'm looking to buy a Powertig 250 EX once they arrive at the end of January.

    I'm a audi group b nut, and I'm currently building a short wheel base audi sport

    This welder is going to be used primarily for stainless and aluminum welding.

    I can't wait for my new welder.



  2. #2


    Audi= Suped up Volkswagen. lol. But both are better than what I am driving.

    Welcome aboard.
    Last edited by performance; 12-29-2010 at 02:34 PM.

  3. Default

    Welcome to the Forum
    My delivery schedule is a little different to that of the US as i wanted to be onsite for the new production models that are now being built for us.
    I opted to hold of on my build so i can get my nose in and make sure the new units are everything we want.
    unfortunately Or fortunately this means i am behind on getting the shipment but for me the plus is checking that our QC controls are in place and being followed with all models . and of course i am particuarly interested in some installation procedures .
    The Downside to this is my boss has placed a second order that is supposed to be ready before Feb 10th and i am being told if this is the case then not to bother coming home untill this is also done.

    905 637 1637

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post
    Welcome to the Forum
    My delivery schedule is a little different to that of the US as i wanted to be onsite for the new production models that are now being built for us.
    I opted to hold of on my build so i can get my nose in and make sure the new units are everything we want.
    unfortunately Or fortunately this means i am behind on getting the shipment but for me the plus is checking that our QC controls are in place and being followed with all models . and of course i am particuarly interested in some installation procedures .
    The Downside to this is my boss has placed a second order that is supposed to be ready before Feb 10th and i am being told if this is the case then not to bother coming home untill this is also done.


    I'm a little confused. Are the orders for January still a go?, also are the "new production" powertig 250 EX models different from whats on the web site?

    I don't mind waiting a extra month if that's the case. Also do you stock the coolers, or is that something I have to put a request in for?

    Thanks in advance


  5. Default

    Sorry for the Confusion
    The New 110v Mig 140amp welders are new as are the Mini 185amp AC/DC tig welders . These units will be made along with the regular shipment.
    With this in mind i chose to have my regular shipment delayed and as it is over Christmas and i did not feel like being in China over the Holidays i opted to start my build on Tuesday next week. I leave on Monday .
    The US shipment left on schedule .
    This first order ( there are 2 orders being produced for January ) will be ready in about a week and will ship out asap. My second large order will be done sometime during the month of January Start Feb and ship out before the 9feb . I hope to be back from the factory no later than the 4th of Feb and this will give me the opportunity to make sure i am happy with both shipments .
    The bottom line is i want to be on site when they make a Welder for me and i want to do my own QC and testing.
    The Water coolers and probably some other goodies will be arriving the end of January. I have some more plans for accesories that i hope to have the chance to get done if i have some down time between production .


    905 637 1637

  6. #6


    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I'm saving my pennies for a water cooler also.



  7. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post

    ...... this will give me the opportunity to make sure i am happy with both shipments .
    The bottom line is i want to be on site when they make a Welder for me and i want to do my own QC and testing.....

    WOW, talk about keeping an eye on the business !

    Is the same QC taking place for the US units, or are we to believe that the Canadian units will have far fewer issues because of Titan's hands-on involment ?


  8. Default

    The US also has there units being built for the End of January so as i am there anyway i will check all units coming out including Australia.
    Basically we have 3 orders in the second shipment ,one for each Country and it would be negligent on my part if i did not make sure all units where up to par.
    Any future shipments if they coincide with mine will of course be overseen by me.
    This is something i have decided to do from now on as it works well for me with my Off_Road Gear and i have been doing this for a few years.
    With my Winches Joe the owner knows when my order goes in i take the place of the Plant manager to make sure i am gettin what i want ( this is probably why he try's to get me drunk every night so i will have too much of a hangover to go into work the next day) I have about 8 drinking buddy's that we go to the KTV places with and i have absolutely no idea who these guys are . but it is always the same crowd that i go out with. ( that is for the winches)
    Our Welding Factory is totally different from the carousing of the winch guys. There it is all business and i normally go to a quiet bar with a Guy that works at the factory , he is from Denmark and has been working there for the last 18 months.
    But most of my time is spent with either the Owner or production and QC.
    Because the 2 orders are so close together i will end up being there for a Month. Normally i can take about 3 weeks max so i will not be a happy camper on that 4th week .

    905 637 1637

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by highlander69 View Post
    I'm looking to buy a Powertig 250 EX once they arrive at the end of January.

    I'm a audi group b nut, and I'm currently building a short wheel base audi sport quattro.

    This welder is going to be used primarily for stainless and aluminum welding.

    I can't wait for my new welder.
    Hey, Craig.

    I'm in a similar boat. Just 'pre-ordered' a 250EX and hoping they show up before the end of the month. My project is a 2002 Audi S4, my daily driver actually. I will be working on custom exhaust manifolds to fit a pair of Garrett GT2859R turbos, along with other "plumbing".


  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post
    The US shipment left on schedule .
    This first order ( there are 2 orders being produced for January ) will be ready in about a week and will ship out asap. My second large order will be done sometime during the month of January Start Feb and ship out before the 9feb . I hope to be back from the factory no later than the 4th of Feb and this will give me the opportunity to make sure i am happy with both shipments .
    The bottom line is i want to be on site when they make a Welder for me and i want to do my own QC and testing.
    Duncan, right? I sure wish I could have you QC mine before I get it!! Keep up the good work.

  11. Default

    My Shipment is going to be delayed a few days
    I am happy with the new miniTig .
    The 250 Ex units are very good as are the 256
    I want a little tweaking with the readouts for the new 110v Migs so it will be around the 15 before they go out. I would rather delay a little now than have something crop up later.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    905 637 1637

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    SW Ontario Canada


    Duncan, I would feel a wee bit better if someone would chain up those bottles behind you !

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