I received my long awaited Everlast combo unit. I had originally ordered the EV-CT518 but was informed shortly after ordering that Everlast was no longer selling that unit. Instead, if I was patient and waited until the shipment arrived, I would be upgraded to an Ultra 185. This unit features the IGBT inverter technology and would be a far superior unit to the CT518D . That was a no-brainer for me.

When I opened the box everything was there and in perfect condition, and it was an Ultra 205 to boot!.[attachment=2:1y1wn6iv]Ultra205 on cart with tank.JPG[/attachment:1y1wn6iv] Way to go Everlast! It is lime-green (really not a bad color afterall) and rocks! I only used the plasma cutter so far (actually the reason for buying it in the first place...the stick/TIG welders are huge pluses). I burned through all kinds of metal all the way up to 1/2" thick. It cuts like butter. I spent most of the morning today rigging up the desiccant filter and compressor connections,[attachment=0:1y1wn6iv]Air filter regulator and desiccant.JPG[/attachment:1y1wn6iv] and also made some brackets to secure it to my welding cart. I am going to enjoy having such a versatile tool in my garage shop. I'm only a hobbyist for now but with great tools like this, who knows. I highly recommend the Ultra 205...