Ultra205 Combo Unit - Lawnmower front end upgrade project
Let me start off by saying that I'm only a hobbyist and am really enjoying this welding stuff. I own a Hobart Handler 210 MIG welder and just purchased/received the Everlast Ultra205 combo unit. I've used the plasma cutter component and it works REALLY well.
I bought somebody's old MTD riding lawnmower a few years ago for $100 and have been messing around with it ever since. I spent last winter wire brushing all the rust off it and gave it a new paint job. With the Ultra205[attachment=2:qod1yef5]The Ultra205 Front.JPG[/attachment:qod1yef5], I was able to replace the wimpy front end support with beefier square stock. The dimensions for the support were approximately 2X3...I bought 3X3 stock and, yep, you guessed it, used the plasma to section it down to the right dimensions. Here's what I removed (had the amps up way too high so there's plenty of dross to laugh at :mrgreen: ).[attachment=1:qod1yef5]Plasma Cutter sectioned out half inch.JPG[/attachment:qod1yef5] Anyway, after I sectioned out the square stock, I grinded and beveled the edges and clamped it together to weld. I know, I should have used the Ultra205's TIG, but I haven't ever TIG welded and needed to practice first (plus, the grass is getting too high so I need to get the mower back into service). Anyway, I broke out the Hobart and welded the two seams. Again, as a hobbyist, I am still learning the machines and therefore I had the wire feed up too fast...very B-I-G welds. But hey, I also like to practice grinding and this was a golden opportunity. Came out nice, anyway, huh? [attachment=0:qod1yef5]Finished Welding and Grinding.JPG[/attachment:qod1yef5]So, the newly fabbed support is ready for machining. I did that on my Delta drill press (only sacrificed one 1/2" drill bit to the fabrication Gods) and painted it up...came out like I thought it would. Then it was just a matter of mounting it and installing the wheels and steering linkage (I painted that RED...cool). Now I've got what I call the "tractor tire look"...the front tires point toward themselves...I kinda like it since mine is probably the only rider around like that. It rides ok, so I don't think I want to spend the time bending the tabs that the steering linkage connects to to sort that out. It's custom...
I hope you like the pics and thanks for looking. My next project is to mount (weld!) some sort of front bumper so that IT gets trashed when I hit the side of my house, trees, etc., instead of the HOOD. Wish me luck...
Everalst PowerMaster 226 Combo Unit (TIG/Arc/Plasma)
Hobart Handler 210 (MIG)
If it breaks, weld it; If it's not broken, you're not using it hard enough...