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Thread: Running iTIG 200 on 110 voltage

  1. Default Running iTIG 200 on 110 voltage

    I am making up a pigtail to run my iTIG on 110 Volt Current when I am somewhere 220 isn't available and I just wanted to make sure the welder wires correspond to normal household, white-neutral, etc. Is there anything else I need to know before running this on 110?

  2. #2


    220 is always availble if you know how make it work , there are devices that let you connect two 110 lines from seperate sides/ciruits of the box, you just need 2extention cords plugged into seperate sides of the main panel box.

  3. Default

    thanks but that's not the point...often times all of the outlets in a garage are on one circuit, thus you don't have outlets on different sides of the mains. All of my welding in my garage is on 220 but when I go to a friends house to do some sheet metal work the 110 will work just fine and is readily available.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Chugiak , Alaska



    Yes it's standard, it will auto sence the voltage.
    I have noticed the amp display will read higher than actual output when running on 110.
    The way it works, it does not matter which terminal the common is connected to, as long as the green wire is on the ground lug your good.

    Everlast Sales and Support Team.

    877-755-9353 X207

  5. Default

    Thanks Ray, thats exactly what I needed to hear!

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