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Thread: Getting a high pitched buzz and little or no arc

  1. Default Getting a high pitched buzz and little or no arc

    225 lx, been using the torch button but just broke out the foot pedal to try and fill in holes from plasma cutting.

    Anyway, it was working fine until it started the buzzing. Looking at the amp read-out, it said 14 amps. I thought it was the foot pedal so I switched back to the torch button. Got the same buzz. Got it working again but shut it down to ask here what might be the cause. I've had this problem on and off for a while.


    Did you ever get the low profile foot pedal?
    Last edited by jtybt; 02-24-2011 at 05:32 AM.

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  2. #2


    Give us a call when you can. We'll see what we can do. Sounds like a point gap adjustment.

  3. Default

    Sorry for the delay, Mark. I guess I had my 'email notification' turned off.

    Tried to call just now but you were unavailable.

    I suspected a solenoid/gap problem as I hear/don't hear the solenoid. Is there a diagram and gap specs? ...225 LX

    Also getting intermittent spark/arc on the PP 50.

    Everlast 225 LX
    Everlast PP 50

    HF 130 TIG/90 ARC
    HF 90 fluxcore

    ATX MIG (don't ask)

  4. #4


    This might be a switch problem on the torch.

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