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Thread: Egli/Vincent

  1. #41


    I have some bad memories of getting my pinkie finger mashed while using one about 25 years ago, the finger nail still grows with a fault line down the center LOL. At least it wasn't a planishing hammer that could have turned my finger to hamburger really fast. I had a RD 400 Daytona special and added a small oil tank (basically a 2" tube ) inside the gas tank with a second lid for the oil. Held enough 2 cycle Pre-mix oil for 3 fill-ups plus a little bit in a pinch and a pre-measured dipper on the inside of the cap. fill the tank half way lower the dipper full of oil into the gas tank and slosh it around a bit then top off the tank. No carrying a bottle of oil everywhere I went.

    Well some years later I had an incident involving a plumbing truck with a pipe vise that was left in the deployed position and it caught me from behind, broke 4 ribs and my bike landed perfectly on the ball hitch of the car in front of me right on the tank. So I made a new tank with cleaner shape and slightly bigger capacity and revised Oil tank . Got my finger mashed working on the saddle part of the tanks underside, cleaning up the marks from the stretcher to clean up some little gaps.

    Oh Btw Glen I decided on power for my Can-Am spider style trike..... Electric Gonna use a 7.5kw Brushless on 48vdc. should be good for about 55 mph and oodles of torque. Going with a Titanium Frame with Red Powder coated aluminum Levers, and any bolt on Hardware. Gotta start sourcing some aluminum wheel blanks now. Pops gave me free run of the water jet at the warehouse when I need to do them. wish they would let me do them in Mag but after the sister company burned to the ground about 10 years ago,they only let one guy there process magnesium ( Cut, mill etc ). Found the old news story but no pictures or video. Basically all that was left was a 10' deep crater.

    anyhow know anyone that deals in Forged aluminum wheel blanks? Probably have to buy one at a time due to my budget but One wheel will allow me to do set-up measurements on the front end. May Just take a trip to Ebay and see if I can find a F/R set and another single front of the same type and make em work. ~shrug

    At the speed your work I figured I'd be seeing you doing a road test by now LOL, keep them pictures coming .... Following this thread with lots of interest and borrowing any ideas I can in the form of notes with the pictures

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  2. #42


    gotta love electric power- maximum torque at zero RPM, I've heard that it can be quite the sensation when there is enough of it.

    I'm still hoping to get this bike on the road for this summer, but that will be with the more or less standard Rapide engine you see in the photos. It has been hotrodded some and sits just between Black Shadow and Black Lightning spec. It's a nice running ,easy starting motor.

    funds are not available to build the other motor right now, although I am slowly gathering parts. A wooden box with a Stroker Bob weight 9000 rpm Race Crank from Terry Prince in Australia showed up yesterday. The bank account will need a couple of months or more to recover from that!

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  3. #43


    Yea I know about the funds thing fo sure,I must have "wish lists " on about 20 different sites LOL. I trying to talk my pops into making a Vincent Tile Mosaic for you he normally gets like $225 for them but if I can get him to do it Ill get it to ya >

    Here is one he did for a buddy of mine that's into Norton's.

    Attachment 1425

    could do something similar to this but with this vincent logo on it for your shop. may send some hubs to ya to turn for me at some time in the future . think of this as a bribe LOL.

    can also do them round and you could make it into a small table for the patio or even use it as a stepping stone what-ever

    Attachment 1426
    Last edited by aaxiss; 03-31-2011 at 04:18 AM. Reason: added text

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  4. #44


    Aaxiss, That "Norton" mosaic is really sharp, tell your pops, very nice! What are the dimensions?
    Everlast PowerPro 256
    AC225 "Tombstone"
    HF 20 ton press
    Rotary 9000# two-post

  5. #45


    those mosaics are lovely. I'll bet there are a few Vincent club member who would be interested. I'll run it by our local group next time we get together.

    I have a couple of Nortons too, might be doing quite a bit of machining for you!

    Here's the 68 650SS, last year of the great Norton Featherbed frame-
    Last edited by worntorn; 03-31-2011 at 04:21 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  6. #46


    The Norton Mosaic is about 3' x 1.5' about 20lbs . gonna get him on it soon Glen I finally complained enough that he's blowing and washing out the shop of all his tile dust, He does most of the lettering on a small drill press with the carbide abrasive bits cause he can't seem to keep from breaking his diamond band saw blades. when my powertig gets here I will be able to fix his broken blades for him too

    anyway glen here is a pic of my RGV 500, too much crap covering my race bike, Also an old NSR 500 race bike I was in the process of turning into a Rothman's look alike . Back to work on the Egli if you Please

    Attachment 1548Attachment 1546Attachment 1547Attachment 1549

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  7. #47


    That size sounds about right, Don. I like either one of the Vincent scrolls, I'll go with that rather than the Egli-Vincent one. I have two Vincents and the Egli-Vincent I'm building. The 3 bikes will get stored in one area of the shop, so the Mosaic would look nice on the wall behind.

    I've been reading about the RGV 500, must have been a fun bike when it hit the powerband!

    Here is yesterday's effort. I think it turned out OK. I'll polish it after the mounting is done, might scratch it during that process.
    I like the aluminum fender over the stock fender. The red is slowly disappearing, probably won't be any paint on this bike, other than the wheel centres.

    Last edited by worntorn; 04-10-2011 at 01:04 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  8. #48


    wow great work Glen Glad to see ya back on the Egli, although you needed the wheel to progress

    I guess with my passion for motorcycles I find this thread the more appealing of the two and I also never want anything to do with an English wheel ever again Just found out my Mom and Pops are going on vacation for a week so that will give me time to work the image a bit for the mosaic you want the H.R.D under the banner like I see a lots of the logos , although I don't know what it stands for?

    I'm down to $9.00 in my bank account again, don't take long to go through a $780 Social Security Disability check ROFL. wont be any more progress on anything that takes Dinero till next month for me. My mom and pops are also both on SS so can only give me so much help although they invested wisely but they can pay the mortgage and have a bit extra but I wouldn't ask for money for my entertainment. Rather wait and ask when it's a real emergency like when I need a plasma cutter hahahha. Just kidding.

    I set up an account on youtube as I will start doing videos of my projects, Started my Tig torch cooler build today with a $29.00 pump I bought 2 weeks ago. Part 2 will be after I get my Powertig as I have to make the tank and cabinet for the works. I am shooting for under $100 and so far have $36 invested in what you see in the video.

    I used about 20 secs of music from ac/dc during the still images hope it don't get yanked for it. starting a build thread on it also.

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  9. #49


    As expected the rear fender was much more of a struggle. The first photo shows a piece of 11" wide .060 5052 al. that I pounded on for about an hour or so.

    I did all of the other fenders the same way Ron Fournier demonstrates in his video. Mark a centre line and lines about an inch apart from it moving toward the outside edges, then try to pound as accurately as possible on those lines with overlapping blows. This is all done on a leather shot bag so that the crown can form. As the crown forms the arcs shows up and has to be controlled. On the other fenders, which were narrower and made of .040 except the Egli front which was made of .050, the arc that formed was too great and had to be controlled or reduced.

    With this thick, wide piece of .060, almost no arc occurred as you can see in the photo on the left.
    I decided that 060 is unnecessarily thick, it feels like boilerplate , especially once the crown is pounded in.
    The main problem was that the natural tucks that formed at the edges of the other fenders did not happen with this piece. These tucks get shrunk on a post dolly with a leather slapper. So to form the fender shape, the edges of the fender must get shrunk and the centre gets stretched.

    One of the oldtimers on the metalshaping site, Jim, suggested that the tucks did not form because the piece was so wide and thick. Starting by forming the crown in the centre like Ron F did would not work on this wide fender. This left to much metal each side holding against the crown, so the tucks wouldn't form.
    He suggested I start toward the outside edges, get tucks to form then go back and deepen the centre afterward.

    I got a new blank of .050 5052, annealed it and started in. Jim's suggestion worked beautifully and you can see the result. It took many hours to get it to this stage though.
    I'll hem the edges after I build a powered bead roller, which I'm starting on today.

    Last edited by worntorn; 04-12-2011 at 04:07 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  10. #50


    Damn, that bike is starting to look good, I'm gonna have to get serious on a can am style bike if my electric buggy doesn't do I I hope, although right now I have no doubts. I am posting a small update on my bender build just for the people that don't have access to mills etc , probably not of much interest to you, though I would let you know so as not to wast your time .

    Fender Looks great, are you satisfied with that length or will you shorten it a bit?, I'm thinking somewhere between where it is now and that tape, me I'd go even with the solo seat tin.

    Like the shape of the mock up tail but something is amiss with the tank to my eyes. dont take any offense but I dont care fore the arc on the bottom edge of the tank and the swooping peak at the top. I think the tank needs to be more of an oval shape with a alight taper down to the base of the front of the seat. And maybe drop the height to about the center nut height on the trip-tree. Round the front down and under.

    anyway great work as usual and don't take offense at an of my suggestions just offering opinions that may or may not hep you come to happy choices.

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  11. #51


    I have tried adjusting the position of the fender quite a lot and it probably looks best a little shorter as you say. With the end of the fender moved forward though, I'm pretty sure there will be a rooster tail of water coming off the tire and showering me in a waterfall when riding in the rain, which I will do (wet coast), so the position you see is a compromise. Also, I need a place to mount the plate and maybe a 39 ford tail light , new LED version. The tailight is 5.5 inches long.

    On the tank shape, this was provided to me by a friend from Norway. I guess what is right here is in the eye of the beholder.
    This shape is his and his artist friend's take on the traditional Egli banana tank. The curve on the bottom is similar to an original Vincent tank, one of the prettiest shapes there is IMO. The Vincent shape won't hold enough fuel for a thirsty 1360 tho, especially when it gets a 5" section cut out of the centre for the top spine. Standard Vincent tanks fit around a rectangular top spine and the cutout is 3.5". With that cutout they only hold 3 &3/4 IMP gallons, so may 3 gallons if one were made in alloy to fit over an Egli spine.

    Here is the Egli tank that my friend tried to copy with this styrofoam shape

    and you can get a good look at a Vincent tank here

    The curve on the bottom of the Vincent tank is less, but it's there and I think really adds to the shape. It follows the shape of the top of the vtwin motor somewhat, although the Egli tank mimics that a bit closer.

    Last edited by worntorn; 04-13-2011 at 02:42 PM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  12. #52


    ok I do have to agree on the tank after seeing one done . looks good and I guess if you ride in the wet you don't want that crap all over your back or worse right in the neck. I had no problem racing in the rain on rain tires but here in socal too many leaky oil drippers an it comes right to the surface and the roads are slick as snot when it's wet. got the legal low-down today on my buggy, No registration or insurance required just can got on the highways or freeways and have to have working head lamps and taillights and brake lights ( no biggie ) Here is the pre- requisite I have to be able to attain 20 mph in a 1 mile distance and not exceed 25 mph got both covered by leaps and bounds hahaha. I just gotta tray and stay outta the radar traps and off the cameras. Probsbly get to the roller stage pretty quick, it's gonna be the motor and batteries that are gonna hold me up big time . bout 3k < soon as my power tig gets here I got a few money makers in the works.

    Damn I like both tanks but I think with all the modern attributed you bike already has that banana tank is the way to go . good luck on that , that;s how I mashed my finger on a wheel making a spine saddle for the bottom of a tank

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    mission viejo CA


    very nice build you have some serious talent looking forward to more of you build threads
    Lincoln precision tig 275
    Miller Syncrowave 350 Tig
    Miller 250 Mig
    old miller 200 Mig
    HF 151 Mig
    HF 100 FC
    Victor Journeyman Oxy/Ace set up
    Bunch of tools of the trade to much to list

  14. #54


    thanks wookie.

    I'm at a standstill on this project for a couple of weeks. I've got to earn some $ to carry on with it so, off to work I go.
    A customer of mine operates a hotrod shop. He tacks the SS exhausts together and when he has 2 or three complete systems to weld up, off I go. In addition to the exhaust work, he says he has a few days of welding/fabbing for me to do, mostly on an old 3 ton White (1951?)Cabover that he is hotrodding for himself.

    I've been using his Lincoln PT 185, it works fine for this, but I've gotten so used to my little Everlast that I prefer it. I think it is just a little smoother at low amps. That is probably the invertor VS the transformer. I might take it over there tomorrow. I'll take a few photos and post them in the appropriate category. He has some interesting cars in his shop.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sasktachewan, Canada


    I am truly impressed by you guys who can use the English wheel or the leather and shot bag methods. To me this is definitely a sign of a master craftsman. I am looking forward to seeing this build progress!
    Attitude Determines Altitude

  16. #56


    I need to find a side deal like that Glen, make some money then spend it on toys LOL , my kind of deal ...

    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  17. #57


    Just to update this thread, there has been a little progress on the bike. I completed the left side rear set (listed as a project)
    Also, I received the special order Stroker race crank for my 1360CC engine that will eventually go in the bike. This was made for me by Terry Prince from Australia. If you have seen the movie "world's Fastest Indian" and know who the main character, Bert Munro is, then you will understand when I say Terry is a modern day Bert Munro.

    Terry runs a Vincent rather than an Indian. This is a bike he bought at age 18 and has used extensively for touring. A couple of years ago he decided to modify it for land speed record runs. He set one in sidecar class last summer at Bonneville.

    The crank he made me is the same as the one in his Bonneville bike. It's a real thing of beauty, oversized mainshafts, oversized crankpin and Bobweight flywheels.
    I might keep it out where I can admire it for awhile. It will be some time before the funds are available to purchase crankcases to house it in anyway!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	002.jpg 
Views:	330 
Size:	140.3 KB 
ID:	2545  
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  18. #58


    Looking at the pictures. It looks like you are using carbon steel fastners in the AL. Aren't you worried about corrosion? Ever think about using CRES studs, bolts, and nuts?
    Lincoln Weld-Pak 100 (C-25 or CO2 Shield)
    Victor Oxy-Act
    Lincoln AC225 Tombstone
    Everlast 250EX & W300 Cooler

  19. #59


    sharp eyes there Joe!

    I think the fasteners you are looking at are a couple of temporary ones I used to hold one of the foot guards on with.

    I'll be replacing them with stainless. I haven't had a problem with corrosion when using stainless with aluminum on the other bikes, seems and OK mix for anything other than maybe a Marine environment.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  20. #60


    You might be suprised how far salt from the ocean can carry in-land. Or, if you are going to be riding in an area that uses salt in the winter. Until a good spring rain, the concentration of salt is still impressive on the roadway. And you are correct, I am normally concentrated on a marine enviroment at work and it carried over to this thread.
    Lincoln Weld-Pak 100 (C-25 or CO2 Shield)
    Victor Oxy-Act
    Lincoln AC225 Tombstone
    Everlast 250EX & W300 Cooler

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