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Thread: Egli/Vincent

  1. #61


    Found a seat for the bike. This is a New old stock Triumph seat made for the 97- 01 Triumph Daytonas. It looks OK on there and is quite comfy, which is rare with sport bike seats.

    Not much other progress to report other than ordering items for the big motor. Crankcases are ordered from England, race cams & followers from Australia and a Bob Newby Racing belt drive with clutch, also from England. Bob makes a setup just for oversized Vincent engines. This has a 7 plate clutch instead of the usual 4 or, his old heavy duty version, 5 plates.

    Now that I have got the PP256 I hope to get some things happening on this project again.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  2. #62


    Wow looking pretty sweet Glen. Terrible picture, you take that with your phone or something

    Hows the summer been treating you?


    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  3. #63


    I printed off a photo then sketched in the shape of the rear cowl in whiteout. After that the print got scanned and save so I guess the quality diminished some with each step/
    You get the idea tho!

    So far this has been a Summer of paying work with very little time leftover for this project. The flip side is that all of the work has allowed me to order more engine components.

    How are things with you?

    Last edited by worntorn; 08-03-2011 at 02:50 AM.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  4. #64


    Good now My pressure sore got infected and I ended up in the hosp for a few weeks and only checked in now and then on my phone. Didn't feel like trying to keep up with my posts on my phone ( my eyes are starting to go ) and the medicaton I am on blurs my vision a bit anyway. Got out of the hospital and went right to work on my water cooler and a welding table. Oh I lucked out last week and picked up an almost brand new Milwaukee mag drill at a garage sale for $50 had a ton of annular cutters and a twist drill adapter 3/4" motor looks to be a $1400 unit from what I can tell and Probably $600 in cutters . I gave the lady the cash and motored away from there as fast as my wheelchair would go LOL

    Will come in handy for drilling the holes in the top of the strong hand clone welding table I am building. That's about it really... been practicing my tig welding aluminum I think I got the machine settings down now and can lay a quite decent bead. Will be all the nicer when my table is done

    Ah now I understand why that picture looked so weird but it the point across


    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  5. #65


    So how's the bike coming along Glen?...

    I'm all healed up now and been staying busy as Hell. I come home most nights, drag my self into the shower and crash. I got a new Cushion for my chair and I can now sit for extended periods without worry. I'm Buildind a welding table now, and will start in on my tubing bender as soon as I get the Top Drilled and mounted ( 6 5/8 x 6" x 48" plates (I'm copying the Strong hand Table) . Once the Table and bender are done I will Start in on my Reverse Trike Project.

    I got to ride a Can-Am Spyder about a week ago and now I really want to convert one of my bikes. Most Likely I will Do the old Ducati Paso. I'm missing the Lowers from the fairing and I sold the wheels and forks to buy my argon. and Helium mix bottles LOL.

    Post some more Pictures If you have made any progress


    MTS 200 workhorse
    PowerTig 250EX <---sweet
    80 amp HF inverter arc welder
    Lincoln Buzzbox
    Rotobrute AC-35 Mag Drill
    Milwaukee mag drill
    HF Heavy Duty 16 Speed Bench Drill Press (Custom made Adjustable Height stand)

    I gotta find more junk to sell on EBaY ... Must Buy a Plasma Cutter and a Mig Welder

    Fullerton, Ca

  6. #66

    Default finished at last

    Quote Originally Posted by aaxiss View Post
    So how's the bike coming along Glen?...

    I'm all healed up now and been staying busy as Hell. I come home most nights, drag my self into the shower and crash. I got a new Cushion for my chair and I can now sit for extended periods without worry. I'm Buildind a welding table now, and will start in on my tubing bender as soon as I get the Top Drilled and mounted ( 6 5/8 x 6" x 48" plates (I'm copying the Strong hand Table) . Once the Table and bender are done I will Start in on my Reverse Trike Project.

    I got to ride a Can-Am Spyder about a week ago and now I really want to convert one of my bikes. Most Likely I will Do the old Ducati Paso. I'm missing the Lowers from the fairing and I sold the wheels and forks to buy my argon. and Helium mix bottles LOL.

    Post some more Pictures If you have made any progress

    Got it all done and have been out riding it the last couple of weeks. It goes like hell, weight is only 350 lbs.
    Will post some pics in the next day or two.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  7. #67


    So I started back in on this project about mid winter. First off I made up a pattern or a "buck" for the rear cowl and seat pan.

    I wanted the tank/seat and cowl lines to flow together like one smooth piece rather than tank/stop seat/stop/ cowl as it sometimes is if using store bought parts, or on lots of production bikes.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  8. #68


    After some hammering and some planishing on the ewheel I had two of the three pieces needed for the cowl roughed out-

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  9. #69


    all three pieces made and welded together. Material is just .050 thick 5052 aluminum, was a real challenge for me to weld. But I have a great machine (PP256) for that so it turned out fine.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  10. #70


    Finished product after smoothing the welds, more planishing in the ewheel and about half way thru the polishing process.

    I ran over the welds on the inside but only for fusion, no filler rod used. This way once I had mostly smoothed down the top side of the welds I could put the piece back into the ewheel and run right across the welded areas.

    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  11. #71


    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	6697Next up was the gas tank. I made this from .063 3000 series Aluminum.
    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  12. #72


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    Everlast PP256
    Everlast Imig 200
    Everlast Power Ultra 205
    P&H 400 amp A.C.
    Miller 230 amp with Onan power

  13. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by worntorn View Post
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    Nice to see my favorite Pro at work,,,a few words with your pic's would be nice,,,glad to see you are still around on the forum..
    Some of those lies people tell about me, are true

  14. #74


    was there a post on a areo square 4 had one
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  15. #75


    such a cool bike
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  16. #76


    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  17. #77


    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  18. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by worntorn View Post
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    I've always wanted to be able to handwork metal like that--It's crazy to me to see some of the guys like Jesse James (and even the one guy that actually can fabricate on OCC) take a flat sheet of metal and turn it into something with so many curves and no dings or dents.

    Guess it just takes time, practice and the right tools.
    New to welding!
    Lots of Snap-On tools
    In need of more toys

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