Hi folks, I'm Don from southern California.

I actually thought I had already posted in this forum but it must have been on a different forum that I must have forgot to bookmark. I have just returned to welding (About a year now) after almost 20 years off due to an injury that left me paralyzed.

Just ordered a 250ex and here I am LOL. I have already made a few posts on the forums here and Honestly thought I had done the intro thing but the contest made me come here and look and I couldn't find it.... Post a reply with a link if you find one as I may be just spacing out and not seeing it.

I am also into RC airplanes and build and fly my own. I am currently in the process of building a 1/4 scale P-51 mustang that is taking alot longer to finish that I thought and I try to fly a few times a month at the local field. I mostly fly aerobatic type of flying and I try not to crash because I can't afford to buy new planes so that means a lot of work to repair them. ( that's how I got my 2 big planes. People too lazy to fix their crashes - freebies) here is a link to one of my flights a friend took for me, I did the editing and put in the music.

The forums here seem to be bustling with a wealth of information and nice people and I plan to hang around pester people and probably ask too many questions