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Thread: new guy

  1. #1

    Default new guy

    hello from canada

  2. #2


    Hello from USA.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  3. #3


    Welcome to the forum. Have you got an Everlast welder yet, or just thinking about it?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by joshuab View Post
    Welcome to the forum. Have you got an Everlast welder yet, or just thinking about it?
    yup i have power tig 250ex about 5 weeks old.


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by sudl View Post
    yup i have power tig 250ex about 5 weeks old.
    That's a sweet machine. As fancy as the newer digital machines are, I have to say that there's something appealing about having all the knobs on the front panel right there where you can see the settings and tweak them directly. When I was fantasizing about getting a higher-end TIG machine (than I currently have), I looked at the 200DX. Not having to deal with a water-cooler would be a big deal to me. I wonder: if you've got, say, a 250-amp welder, but you aren't actually welding above, say, 160 amps, can you swap out for an air-cooled torch?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by joshuab View Post
    I wonder: if you've got, say, a 250-amp welder, but you aren't actually welding above, say, 160 amps, can you swap out for an air-cooled torch?
    Yes you can... The torch I use most is a gas cooled CK130 up to 150 amps, above that I use a gas cooled CK210.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by joshuab View Post
    That's a sweet machine. As fancy as the newer digital machines are, I have to say that there's something appealing about having all the knobs on the front panel right there where you can see the settings and tweak them directly. When I was fantasizing about getting a higher-end TIG machine (than I currently have), I looked at the 200DX. Not having to deal with a water-cooler would be a big deal to me. I wonder: if you've got, say, a 250-amp welder, but you aren't actually welding above, say, 160 amps, can you swap out for an air-cooled torch?
    i run a air cooled 17 torch perfect for what i want to do,i have a machine shop doing welding,machining,little art work.
    my shop has a mill,2lathes,5x10cnc plasma table,50 ton press and a lot of tools,as far as welding equip,miller 212 mig with spoolgun, and my everlast250ex.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by sudl View Post
    hello from canada
    Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new Everlast 250ex welder. Post some pictures of your projects when you get a chance.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Eastern Oregon


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr120 View Post
    Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new Everlast 250ex welder. Post some pictures of your projects when you get a chance.
    Name:  ditto.gif
Views: 1114
Size:  1.7 KB .
    Penncrest Buzzbox - Infinite amp control! Man the 70's were good.
    Everlast Powerplasma 60 - Reliable unit, cuts well.
    Everlast i-MIG 250P w/spoolgun - Really smooth, plenty of cajones.
    Everlast 250EXT - Sometimes it just takes a kick in the balls...
    Everlast 255EXT - Just started playing

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by sudl View Post
    my shop has a mill,2lathes,5x10cnc plasma table,50 ton press and a lot of tools,as far as welding equip,miller 212 mig with spoolgun, and my everlast250ex.
    Welcome, Denis! You've got quite the shop setup going.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
    IMIG 200
    PowerTIG 210 EXT... Amazing!

  11. #11


    Lots of nice equipment for sure. Throw a stubby gas lens kit on that torch and it will do about everything for now (maybe the short cap too).
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by everlastsupport View Post
    Lots of nice equipment for sure. Throw a stubby gas lens kit on that torch and it will do about everything for now (maybe the short cap too).
    thanks mike

    well i am looking for a stubby gas lens kit for my 17 torch do you have a part# i mostly use 1/16 and 3/32 electrode.

    thanks again


  13. #13


    First check, I think Duncan carries them, will search for a link.

    Also, Mr. TIG has one.

    In Canada, I almost and still might go for these (since universal collet)
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by sudl View Post
    yup i have power tig 250ex about 5 weeks old.

    Welcome Denis

    Looking forward to hearing/seeing how that 250EX is working for you.

    imig 200
    PowerTig 210 EXT

  15. #15


    well its been layin down some pretty sweet beads to tell the truth, i like it allot, only problems so fare is the foot pedal going nuts on me, like gear slipping on the shaft,belt skipping and going out of timing with the pot switch,dead spots in the pot switch while welding causing the high freq to come on and off during a good run. this is my fourth pedal in 5 weeks and this one is starting to act up the odd time again,going to have give oleg a call,ill work with it some more this wkd and see how it goes.
    i will post some pics of some work i did soon as i learn how to upload stuff on here.LOL


  16. #16


    How to upload pics > Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	10473 You can add up to 10 pics at a time by highlighting them, click open then upload.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  17. #17


    Welcome, I am interested in seeing some pics also
    Everlast 255EXT - Perfection
    Everlast PowerPro 256 - UPS Demolished
    Everlast MTS200s
    12 Ton Shop Press
    DeWalt Hand Tools/ChopSaw

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