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Thread: Skidding tongs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia

    Default Skidding tongs

    We've had a few trees down on our property, and want to get rid of all the lumber. I'd built a version of skidding tongs to drag pallets off trailers, and recently saw skidding tongs for logs in the Northern catalog. So I thought I'd try a version using 1/2 inch rebar. I heated and flattened the pivot point to make drilling easier, made a few bends, welded the chain on. I also welded a length of chain onto a handle; a grab hook on the end of that chain connects to the chain on the tongs.

    That's some of what I've been up to... what's everybody else working on?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSCF0603.jpg 
Views:	583 
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ID:	11772
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  2. #2


    Have you used them yet? Can't beat a home made tool.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Northern Virginia


    I tried them out, just for proof of concept, but we haven't started the whole project full-on, just yet. It's been cold and wet here, but in the next couple weeks we're going to mobilize the kids, rent a trailer, and transport trees to the dump. In addition to the fallen trees we've identified a couple "take them down before they fall down on the neighbors property" trees that have to go, too, so this will likely take more than a couple weekends.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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  4. Default

    It looks like they will be a little bit too light duty for dragging logs. I think they will bend to the point that the log will come loose in the clamp. I would go with at least 1" dia. rod to start with unless the logs are only 6-8 in in dia. Are you going to drag them with a machine or just a couple guys going to lift the end and drag them by hand?
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  5. #5


    As the others, I hate to be negative but those tongs are just too light to last and rebar is made of questionable metal that bends easily. I'm all for home-made stuff and you have a good general starting point. From there, modifications can be made.

    I do a lot of logging and clearing large eucalyptus trees. I have 3 sets of tongs, 1 skidding (dragging) and two lifting, that are very heavy duty. They have had to be repaired due to hard use but the basic tong structure has never bent or snapped.

    Here is a photo of the light duty skidding tong on a tractor attachment that was built for the purpose. The light tongs can be switched out for heavier ones as can be seen in the construction.

    The attachment is great for holding logs at waist level for bucking thus saving the back.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	LogCarrier_02.JPG 
Views:	484 
Size:	73.6 KB 
ID:	11774  
    Last edited by GWD; 02-05-2014 at 02:15 PM.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Northern Virginia


    Quote Originally Posted by GWD View Post
    Here is a photo of the light duty skidding tong
    That's the idea of "light duty"? You're right, I have some re-thinking to do. I appreciate the feedback.
    Oxweld oxy acet gear
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