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Thread: 250EX Frist Impressions and and few welds...

  1. #1

    Default 250EX Frist Impressions and and few welds...

    Got her in the mail today. Gotta say hat was some quick shipping, I ordered it a little after 2pm on Tuesday and it was here at 10am this morning, gotta like that.

    Here are a few shots of it first out of the box. I was a little disappointed in the fit and finish. The knobs are not punched on center and some are longer than others. In addition to that one of the retaining nuts on the knobs is different from the others, like they just used what they had lying around. There are some scratches on the bezel, I don't care about that much.

    This was also lame. I cannot stand it when people just mashed wires into a terminal. On top of that if you look close you can see where the wires arced when they did the testes at the factory.

    No pics of the regulator, we use all types of flow meters so lpm is no biggie for me. I as surprised it had frit on the inlet though, that's a nice touch. It does seem like it has more pressure then the regulator I normally use, it could be the 250EX itself though. When the solenoid opens up you can really hear it kick outta there.

    So I set her up at work just to see how it handles some of the tasks I would do with the Precision Tig 225 that's below. I did NOT buy this unit for commercial purposes. I set it up temporally to see how well it matches up to the Lincoln I use everyday.

    Look how small it is! I love that!

    Holy crap is this torch huge! This is a CK9 flex head with superflex hose, I use this mostly. We have a CK150 for more amps.

    Okay now for a little bit of welding, I mean little, I don't have a water cooler for the torch so I can't really get into it. It's a lot louder than the PT225, those fans kick on and stay on, I was surprised by that actually.

    Here is a quick shot of a jig I made for tacking up some stainless caps. That's the second piece of aluminum I've ever welded so don't judge me, lol.

    Did this first run at 60, 2T mode, no pulse, no up slop, no down slope. It was not nearly as comfortable as the CK9 i would normally use and much harder for me to control. I was much slower with this torch and I couldn't see a thing so I touched a couple times. Never got truly comfortable with it.

    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  2. #2


    On this run I'm trying out the spot timer and the pedal in 4T mode. It took a bit to get use to and setup properly but not too long. Again I thought the torch was a B. You can see where I struggle In the first 2 columns, gets a little bit better on 3/4 then falls apart again on 5/6/7.

    I should also note that with the spot timer I had more bad starts, half the time I couldn't see the gap well, the other half it was the pedal... it is not anything like what I'm use to. The pedal is very stiff, has very long throw and it slides around too much.

    Another task I'll do is clean up the welds our orbitals make. You can see a crater in one weld and a "high spot" in the other.

    Usually when I clean these up you can't tell the difference between me and the machines, well I can and you can but you get the idea. Here on the other you most certainly can, that's not a fault of the welder by any means. I just was not finding a good path with that torch, by this time my hand was cramping and I just couldn't get smooth.

    Here I'm going against the grain, I wouldn't do this normally but I'm more comfortable on this side. I noticed that the pedal drops off it's amperage a whole hell of a lot faster than I was expecting, you can really see that in this pic.

    So while I'm not impressed with the F&F at all, right away I could feel that "cheap Chinese crap" voice in the back of my head when I saw those little imperfections. I did only play around with thin stuff and still need to work out the settings, I'm not use to the pulse amps or pulse time, so far I gotta say I'm liking it quite a bit. I think once I get a new torch, an absolute must for me (maybe a pedal too), this thing is really gonna be awesome! The arc is as stable as the PT225 and waaaay lighter, I'm talking 300lb w/ cart and w/o bottle vs 62lb for the 250EX. As for all the extra settings I'm not sold on that being a plus just yet, the spot timer is handy though.

    Can't wait to get a new torch and a cooler setup so I can really get into this thing!
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  3. Default

    The pot that has the black lock nut is not a random thing. all units have this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Titan winch; 04-27-2012 at 02:01 AM.

    905 637 1637

  4. #4


    I could see how a different torch and pedal could make a big difference. I set mine and run in 2t, but I do not consider myself much of a tig welder either! I imagine if you get the same torch you use everyday, and get a pedal with the same feel you could see if there is any difference between the two welders.
    Lincoln Eagle Engine Drive
    Everlast MTS 250
    Everlast Power Tig 225lx
    HTP Mig 2400
    Everlast Power Plasma 60C --> Just need to finish my CNC Plasma Table!
    Miller Spectrum 375 Extreme Plasma cutter
    Victor cutting torch
    HF 20 Ton Shop Press
    HF 4x6 Band Saw
    HF Air Compressor
    Northern Tool Drill Press

  5. #5


    Got a little rushed there at the end, it was time to walk the dog.

    For the tasks I was doing, which were pretty simple stuff, it was every bit as good as the PT225. I'm thinking with a little more setup I could have used 4T mode and set the downslope when I'm doing the clean up welds. Doing that one could have perfect clean up welds on every one. that's a plus to anybody doing tubing for sure. Hmmm I wonder how that could translate to headers...
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Home, Pa (Yes, that's the name of the town.)


    Quote Originally Posted by burner View Post
    On this run I'm trying out the spot timer and the pedal in 4T mode.
    Pedal is supposed to be used in 2T mode from what I understand.
    Brad George
    George's Welding & Repair
    Amateur at TIG, MIG, and General Fabrication.
    Current Equipment
    AIRCO Heliwelder IV 300Amp Model - Total Awesomeness!
    Hobart Handler 120v MIG

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Titan winch View Post
    The pot that has the black lock nut is not a random thing. all units have .
    LOL, I didn't know that. Doing production and QC work myself I noticed it right away.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by SeanMurphy265 View Post
    I could see how a different torch and pedal could make a big difference. I set mine and run in 2t, but I do not consider myself much of a tig welder either! I imagine if you get the same torch you use everyday, and get a pedal with the same feel you could see if there is any difference between the two welders.
    I'm thinking the same thing. That's the same logic that had me buying a tig instead of mig for my home use.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  9. #9


    Sounds kinda nit picky. I think you'll be very happy with it once you get a torch that you like and play around with it more.
    Here's the torch I use most with my PP256 the same setup will work with your machine. I'm not a professional welder.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by blasphemy000 View Post
    Pedal is supposed to be used in 2T mode from what I understand.
    Yeah, I just realized i mixed up 2T/4T. I'm about to go and fix it, lol, thanks....... Or not, I can't edit the post anymore. People can figure it out though.
    Last edited by burner; 04-27-2012 at 02:11 AM.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    Sounds kinda nit picky. I think you'll be very happy with it once you get a torch that you like and play around with it more.
    Here's the torch I use most with my PP256 the same setup will work with your machine. I'm not a professional welder.
    Yeah maybe.... I'm not unhappy by any means. I think it's a good unit so far, killer value. Either way I'm still gonna say what I do and don't like about it.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  12. #12


    are the round things aluminum your spot welding 4T/2T or Rocker Switch. This switch selects for control of the TIG weld cycle via the TIG torch trigger. In the 2T mode, simply touch and hold the trigger to start the arc and continue holding while welding. The machine will cycle automati-cally according to the settings selected on the machine. Release trigger the to finish.are the round things aluminum your spot welding stops 4T operation allows full control of the welding
    cycle. By touching and releasing the trigger
    once, the preflow, start current and up slope
    are initiated. By touching and releasing
    again, the down slope, crater current, and
    post flow are initiated. Only a momentary
    pause between touching and releasing is
    necessary to activate the up or down cycle.
    *Note: The use of the foot pedal overrides
    these functions. Place the setting in the 2T
    position to use the foot pedal. The foot pedal
    is used to manually control the cycle.
    Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 04-27-2012 at 02:46 AM.
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  13. #13


    I got 2T and 4T mixed up a few times in the post. That first batch I did in 4T by setting the up/down to 0 and the no pulse. I pressed the switch to tack and then again to stop. On the second batch I used the the spot timer after setting it up, I did some with the pedal too actually. Don't think I mention that in the initial post.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by zoama585 View Post
    Sounds kinda nit picky. I think you'll be very happy with it once you get a torch that you like and play around with it more.
    Here's the torch I use most with my PP256 the same setup will work with your machine. I'm not a professional welder.
    At first I was planning to get an air cooled torch similar to that, the CK9. But then I saw that the CK9 and CK20 have the same dimensions and changed my mind on the air cooled. It will cost more for the water cooled stuff but not really, with the single torch I won't have to run 2 different torches so it's actually less money.

    I do want to stay as portable as possible so I when I can I'll build a cooler that I want to mount to the base of the 250EX. For now though it's a sealed bucket and a little 110v pump, and I mean little.

    Here's a shot of what I'm hoping to achieve.

    This is the pump that's in the unit, I have a few spares.

    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  15. #15


    I have 0 complaints about my 250EX. I've been using it since last September and I love it!
    FOR SURE you gotta get a different torch unless you have Banana hands like Tony Robbins!
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  16. #16


    I got banana hands i like the torch that came with the machine lol
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    I got banana hands i like the torch that came with the machine lol
    DOH! Have you tried any different torches? I bought the WP20 and it is So much easier to manipulate and deal with
    PowerTig 250EX
    Power I-MIG 200
    Power Plasma 50
    It's what you learn, After you know it all, that counts!

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by CGCINC View Post
    I have 0 complaints about my 250EX. I've been using it since last September and I love it!
    FOR SURE you gotta get a different torch unless you have Banana hands like Tony Robbins!
    Bananna hands! lol....

    Yeah I have no problems with the welds so far. Those tacks that do look good look exactly like the good tacks with the 225 I use. I'll try to rig up something with one of the coolers I have at work and do some more welds. I won't have a torch for a while, CK Wroldwide won't sell to me directly so I'll have a bit of a wait. If I order tomorrow from my LWS I can probably have it by Monday/Tuesday but it will cost me quite a bit more than online.

    I'm sure I could get use to that torch too but I'd rather not.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

  19. #19


    what kind of torch are you going with
    EVERLAST 250 EX , EVERLAST I-MIG 205 , EVERLAST spool gun NOW have 2 EVERLAST POWER PLASMA 50 plasma cutter's , LINCOLN 175HD MIG WELDER , VICTOR TORCH SET and many more tools to many to list

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Rodsmachineshop View Post
    what kind of torch are you going with
    Here is the parts list:

    CK-225SF FX 250 amp water cooled torch with the super flex cable and flex head, 25'
    SLWHAT-35 Dinse connector
    RACCV-10-1-LG7 Rotary remote 28'

    Not solid on the rotary, I may switch it up and go with the linear.
    H: PowerTig 250EX
    W: Lincoln Precision Tig 225
    W: MK Products CobraTig 150 orbital welder

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