are the round things aluminum your spot welding 4T/2T or Rocker Switch. This switch selects for control of the TIG weld cycle via the TIG torch trigger. In the 2T mode, simply touch and hold the trigger to start the arc and continue holding while welding. The machine will cycle automati-cally according to the settings selected on the machine. Release trigger the to finish.are the round things aluminum your spot welding stops 4T operation allows full control of the welding
cycle. By touching and releasing the trigger
once, the preflow, start current and up slope
are initiated. By touching and releasing
again, the down slope, crater current, and
post flow are initiated. Only a momentary
pause between touching and releasing is
necessary to activate the up or down cycle.
*Note: The use of the foot pedal overrides
these functions. Place the setting in the 2T
position to use the foot pedal. The foot pedal
is used to manually control the cycle.
Last edited by Rodsmachineshop; 04-27-2012 at 02:46 AM.
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