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Does anybody know if there is a tig torch with the pot built in, like an adjustable trigger? Operates like the foot pedal, but with a finger used to operate it? Or if there is a reason or two why it couldn't be done? Sure does seem like it could make things a lot easier, especially when welding out of position, or any time not welding on a bench, etc.... I know there torches with an adjusting knob or slider type adjustment already out there, but a "finger pedal" would be pretty good, if it was do-able
It is doable, and I think Airco had one like that once. Most welders hated it. The problem is that they are hard to control and especially in tight places where you might be holding the torch in odd positions. While it works for a MIG gun, that is just on and off. holding a spring loaded type adjuster in just the right position for long periods is not easy. As it is, even the best finger controls can't match the precision of a pedal. It's all about travel and ability to control the current at extremely high accuracy. For a lot of thin stuff, just a few amps can make all the difference. There is also the fatigue factor for holding something like that. I know more than one welder that even removes the springs in the rocker type pedals so they can have more control. It's all about the ergonomics of welding. Good welds are all about being as comfortable and in control as you can. I don't know any welders that hold the TIG torch like a MIG gun, hence all the different type and placement of finger controls. About the closest is walking the cup on pipe, and you don't really need amp control for that. I don't know of any welder that actually likes any finger control, they use them only because they have to, when a pedal is just not practical. These days with programmable welders, there is even less need, as you can do all the slope programming and just use a torch switch.
Long arc, short arc, heliarc and in-the-dark!