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Thread: Everlast 210EXT review and pictures

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnson View Post
    Paulie, since I can't find a whole lot of info. How low of amps does this thing strike an arc with? I'm starting to build bike frame and some of the tubing is .35" thick so low end is super important. Have you ever used a Dynasty and can you compare arc characteristics? I heard you can dial down the start amps to 10 or so...which is fine as long as it fires up fast and holds really a steady arc so I can start moving. I just received a 250ex in the mail that had some shipping damage and going to send it back. Me and Oleg talked about the 210ext and I think it is a good idea. I would love to have a machine that can weld razor blades, but still have the power to weld 1/4 aluminum. All while having a super stable arc. One last does the solid state capacitor ignition compare to the points?......sorry for all the questions thanks - RJ
    No problem on the questions. Unfortunately, I can't answer on machine performace as mine was sent from Amazon, and they screwed up and sent me a defective unit that was previously returned. i spoke with Oleg, and he is replacing it directly with a 2013 model, so I am in wait mode. Mine powered up, but would not provide any current. I had played with a Lincoln Invertec 205 AC/DC machine, and this is a pretty close clone. I looked at the Dynasty 200DX, but never had hands on. Either way, for the price, there is NO comparison, as I am not getting paid for my welding, if it were my major income, I could probably jsutify the name brands, but I doubt I would ever get to their CEO if I needed help.

    Bottom line, if you want to weld delicate materials, with fine precision, this is a better unit for you then the EX (IMHO), The key difference is the ability to select waveforms (Square, sine, modified sine/triangular). This is good for thinner aluminum, the waveforms only work in AC mode, but for Moly tubing, you can dial down the power to 10amps and still pulse it for more control. The duty cycle is 35% vs 60% for the EX machines, but they make a LOT more noise and are less portable, and that is only at Rated (full) power. For my uses, I get 100% duty cycle at about 100-120 amps. Also, the 250EX has the most control of the EX series, and comes with a water cooled torch, requiring the $379 cooler, and further adding to noise and lack of portability. you could get a gas cooled torch good up to 200 amps. Bottom line, for what you are looking for, sounds like the 210EXT is fine (I assume you meant .035 vs .35 thick wall). I will be using it for aluminum fabrication of under 1/4" thick material. I have a MIG with Spoolgun for thicker and bigger projects.
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
    Northern Hybrid 200 & ST80i
    HF 90Amp FluxCore (Don't laugh, it is what got me started)
    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
    HF 4x6 Horizontal Bandsaw
    Rikon 18" Bandsaw w/VFD
    Delta 14" Drill Press
    Robland NLX31 Euro Combo WW

  2. #122


    Correction on the 210EXT: Duty Cycle is 40% at Rated Output, and the start / stop amps are 1-100% of welding amps, so for 210amps, you could theoretically dial down the start / stop amps to 2.1 amps, although you would never want to go that low. AC waveforms are sine, square and soft square.
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
    Northern Hybrid 200 & ST80i
    HF 90Amp FluxCore (Don't laugh, it is what got me started)
    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
    HF 4x6 Horizontal Bandsaw
    Rikon 18" Bandsaw w/VFD
    Delta 14" Drill Press
    Robland NLX31 Euro Combo WW

  3. #123


    A few comments:

    This unit is no where close to being a CLONE of Lincoln. You may see similarities, but there's as much similarity as Lincoln as with a Miller Dynasty. That's sort of a taboo word and a sensitive spot because that's what the "other" companies do...and is how rumors get started.

    Wave forms do not allow you to weld thinner aluminum. They give a different arc quality. In fact the wave forms actually regress the way the welder welds because the wave forms mimic older transformer machines. With the sine wave being like the oldest of the transformer machines...and the soft square being like the square synchrowaves. It gives welders who are use to older style units a choice, and does offer some advantage in reproducing a certain feel. The advanced square wave is the default wave form of all our inverters for AC.

    The minimum amps for the 210 regardless of settings is 5 for DC and 10 for AC. The start stop amps are for use with the torch switch. If you are set really low the unit defaults to the lowest possible setting of the unit.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Minneapolis, MN


    Thanks for the info Paulie. I think your right about the 210ext too, should end up being better for what I need it for. I swear I read a post about hidden menu items and changing start amps....I must be loosing my mind? And yes I did mean to say .035 tubing. One more question, have you welding 1/4 aluminum with the machine? How fast does it wet in? I had a 185 Micro that was a great machine, but I needed a touch less amps on start up and when doing 1/4 aluminum the limited amps really started to show. As long as the 210ext does 1/4" Aluminum no problem, and has a good low end I think it will be the right machine. Thanks - RJ

  5. #125


    The start amps on the hidden menu refer the the amps at which the arc actually transfers. Every welder has it, published, adjustable or not.

  6. #126


    I guess you missed it in my posts. Mine does not weld. I am waiting for a replacement, and opted to wait for the 2013 model. It does power up, so I can explore the menus and memories and yes, the start amps is in the hidden menus (hold the slector for 5 seconds). My buddies Lincoln 205 is very simmilar, and it wets in at 200 amps in just a few seconds. Two ways around the limited amps, is to preheat the aluminum up to about 300 degrees with a Mapp torch, or mix in about 20% Helium (gives you the equiv heat of about 20% more amps). Jody has a video on this.
    Everlast PowerPro 256 (2013)
    Northern Hybrid 200 & ST80i
    HF 90Amp FluxCore (Don't laugh, it is what got me started)
    Lotos LT5000D Plasma
    HF 4x6 Horizontal Bandsaw
    Rikon 18" Bandsaw w/VFD
    Delta 14" Drill Press
    Robland NLX31 Euro Combo WW

  7. Default

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	10881
    Love my 210ext

  8. Default

    Can someone help me verify these are the default settings of the 210EXT. I took a welding class with a Lincoln V205T and would like to make sure I can set everything back to defaults.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	12063

    You can not set the start and end Amp Range in 2T mode. You have to put it in 4T mode. I read others that claim if you set these values in 4T mode it stay active in 2T mode. It might be a bug or a feature. I will try the unit but can someone verify this?

  9. #129


    First, the unit is not set with defaults. The unit is set with whatever the person testing the unit did last...that is it.
    Second, there are several different program versions out there, some feature it working one way and then other feature it working the other.

    As far as the settings you have, I am not sure what you are doing so it is hard to tell what the settings need to be.

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    First, the unit is not set with defaults. The unit is set with whatever the person testing the unit did last...that is it.
    Second, there are several different program versions out there, some feature it working one way and then other feature it working the other.

    As far as the settings you have, I am not sure what you are doing so it is hard to tell what the settings need to be.
    I fully understand that all those setting will change based on what you are doing. I am just curios what the default settings are. Lincoln publishes the default settings and hidden menu settings in their manual. I can post pics.

    On the Lincoln V205T you can set the start and finish current in 2T mode. My 210EXT does not allow this. I read others can set them in 4T mode and they work in 2T mode. Is this true?

  11. #131


    Again, it depends on your program version, and your hidden menu settings for 2T. It is possible on some, not on others. All moot points if you are using the foot pedal.

    There are not any default settings for the machine. It will always default to the last program used. Repeat: NO default settings.

    I think you'll have an easier time learning the 210ext and its capabilities if you forget what you know about the V205T and not try to translate its features into the 210ext. There are similarities, but there are also many differences. There will be some things the 210ext won't do that the V205 can, and somethings it can do that the V205T can't.
    Last edited by performance; 05-25-2014 at 02:04 PM.

  12. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    Again, it depends on your program version, and your hidden menu settings for 2T. It is possible on some, not on others. All moot points if you are using the foot pedal.

    There are not any default settings for the machine. It will always default to the last program used. Repeat: NO default settings.

    I think you'll have an easier time learning the 210ext and its capabilities if you forget what you know about the V205T and not try to translate its features into the 210ext. There are similarities, but there are also many differences. There will be some things the 210ext won't do that the V205 can, and somethings it can do that the V205T can't.
    How do you determine the program version? When my machine boots it shows all this data.

    075. 514 (for 500mS)
    070 907 (for 500mS)
    07A 01.2 (for 1S)

    What is the hidden menu setting for that version? The only thing I can find is.

    D08= Torch trigger or amp control 4T function by type torch (00 = 4T 01 = 4T Normal)

    Not sure what that means or if it effects 2T operation.

    Is there a list of program versions and what changes are made? Can I upgrade my firmware?

    Here is my current list of hidden menu settings? Are there defaults for those settings?

    D01= N/A {00.5)
    D02= HF Arc start duration (.5-5 seconds) {2.0}
    D03= HF Arc start frequency (10-100Hz) {50}
    D04= HF Arc start amps DC (10-100 amps) {30}
    D05= HF Arc start amps AC (15-100 amps) {40}
    D06= N/A {1.5}
    D07= Lift start current DC and AC (10-100 amps) {15}
    D08= Torch trigger or amp control 4T function by type torch (00 = 4T 01 = 4T Normal) {00}
    D09= Voltage Reduction Device for MMA/stick (00 = VRD off 01 = VRD on) {00}
    D10= Pulse mode Standard or Advanced. AC is added to DC in Advanced mode (00 = Standard 01 = Advanced) {01}

  13. #133


    Again, I will repeat one more time. There are NO defaults for this machine. Whatsoever. Main OR hidden menus.

    You determine which version you have by how the machine behaves. If you have the version where it allows you to set start amps in 2T then you don't have the version that blocks you from setting start amperage in 2T. The hidden menu programming for 4T also changed somewhat how the unit behaved in 2T, though I can't remember other than it was for one type of amp control with a built in switch that started the arc when the amperage was applied and one was for a separate switch to start the arc.

    They have not been given any "version" numbers as it is a simple software change. Newer units won't have any background menu at all as soon as they arrive.
    Last edited by performance; 05-25-2014 at 05:54 PM.

  14. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    If you have the version where it allows you to set start amps in 2T then you don't have the version that blocks you from setting start amperage in 2T. The hidden menu programming for 4T also changed somewhat how the unit behaved in 2T, though I can't remember other than it was for one type of amp control with a built in switch that started the arc when the amperage was applied and one was for a separate switch to start the arc.
    I have a version that does not let me set the start and final Amps in 2T mode.

    Is there a hidden menu option to change this?

    The main reason I purchased the Everlast 210EXT was because I can control Preflow, Start Amps, Start Slope, Main Amps, Final Slope, Final Amp and Post flow.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	12064

    I just took a one week class at Lincoln Electric and we used all those steps in 2T mode. How can I use these with my 210EXT? Can I send my unit back to get fixed so it supports this standard features?

    If you tell me the settings in 4T mode apply when I am in 2T mode I can live with that flaw.

  15. #135


    No. There is no hidden menu feature.
    Your unit is not broke. The 4T settings do not apply when in 2T mode.

    Again, forget everything you know about the Lincoln. You didn't buy a Lincoln. Just because it doesn't have those steps doesn't mean there is something wrong with it. 2T basically is for ON/OFF operation( and you find the same thing in other brands as well) that is all you can adjust. IF you want to use those steps, then quite simply use 4T. You are missing the point here, in that you can control all those features still, in 4T mode. It is actually better and easier to use to control heat. You do not have to hold the button on the torch down. The bonus of using 4T is that you release the trigger to upslope and weld. To downslope, press and hold the trigger, and then release to terminate the arc. This way no finger is required to keep pressure on the switch while welding. You can concentrate on your hand positioning, rather than cramping your finger.

    2T mode is designed for use originally with those functions in mind because it was set up primarily for use with hand amptrols that had a seperate On/off switch and the amps were adjusted independently. It was changed so that the hand amp control like CK's with a built in on off switch when you rotate through. Having these functions interferes with the operation of this type control. And this type control is far more popular than the other type with a separate switch. Why would you want to have an arc flash "swell" at the end after the arc has been tapered down to 0? This would be the effect if downslope or end amps was programmed with a CK type amptrol...thus (in part) the reason for the change. Again, use 4T. That allows you better control with less fatigue if you are using torch switch only. If you are using a foot pedal, these are moot points. Your V205T doesn't feature advanced pulse, or adjustable HF frequency or the same wave form setup or adjustable HF frequency. They aren't the same units, not even close, and to expect them to mirror Lincoln, is not reasonable. Millers do not either.

    IF you are looking for a "hot start" that Lincoln uses, this is similar to the transfer amps that we have. You can set it up to hot start at a high amp to kick the puddle into gear.
    Last edited by performance; 05-26-2014 at 01:37 AM.

  16. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    No. There is no hidden menu feature.
    Your unit is not broke. The 4T settings do not apply when in 2T mode.

    Again, forget everything you know about the Lincoln. You didn't buy a Lincoln. Just because it doesn't have those steps doesn't mean there is something wrong with it. 2T basically is for ON/OFF operation( and you find the same thing in other brands as well) that is all you can adjust.
    Quote Originally Posted by performance View Post
    2T mode is designed for use originally with those functions in mind because it was set up primarily for use with hand amptrols that had a seperate On/off switch and the amps were adjusted independently. It was changed so that the hand amp control like CK's with a built in on off switch when you rotate through. Having these functions interferes with the operation of this type control. And this type control is far more popular than the other type with a separate switch. Why would you want to have an arc flash "swell" at the end after the arc has been tapered down to 0? This would be the effect if downslope or end amps was programmed with a CK type amptrol...thus (in part) the reason for the change. Again, use 4T. That allows you better control with less fatigue if you are using torch switch only. If you are using a foot pedal, these are moot points. Your V205T doesn't feature advanced pulse, or adjustable HF frequency or the same wave form setup or adjustable HF frequency. They aren't the same units, not even close, and to expect them to mirror Lincoln, is not reasonable. Millers do not either.
    I will post this question on other welding forums like weldingweb because I do not believe you are giving me the facts. I know it is not a Lincoln V205T or a Miller Dynasty 200. I live in North America and those two units are the most popular. Both those units support start Amps and End Amps in 2T mode. It seems that half the 210EXT unit’s support start Amps and End Amps in 2T mode. I got a bad unit and will do whatever it takes to get it fixed.

    Are you telling me that this illustration is wrong?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2T.jpg 
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Size:	19.7 KB 
ID:	12065

    We learned in Lincoln welding school that you set the End AMPs to avoid fish eye or crater crack. Is this something they just made up?

  17. #137



    On most units, normally, 2T is an on and off function as Mark (performance) said. 0 amps to your max set amps when you press, and then max amps to 0 amps when you release. If you want to avoid the crater at the end, I normally use post flow and run extra gas at the end of my weld. Do not pull away when you let off the trigger, let it gas off on the end of the weld. You'll be happy with the results. 4T allows you to ramp up, hold a max current, and them ramp down. So use that if you want to do what the diagram you posted states.

    I have a 210EXT and a 255EXT. If you have any questions with the 210EXT, you can all in and hit my extension and I can help with the unit. I like the 210ext. I like the 255 but the 210 is easier for me to setup.

    On the defaults, you can set up what you want and save it is position 1 and make it anything you need.
    Mike R.
    877-755-9353 x203
    M-F 12 - 7PM PST
    FYI: PP50, PP80, IMIG-200, IMIG-250P, 210EXT and 255EXT.

  18. #138


    You learned how to operate a Lincoln. Did they show you how to use 3T or 4T or any in between type operation that OTHER companys offer on their units? Lincoln doesn't offer 3T, but Miller does. We offer a different variation. IF you want to be able to control the slope and start amps etc, then, use 4T.

  19. #139


    Quote Originally Posted by Judgeless View Post
    I will post this question on other welding forums like weldingweb because I do not believe you are giving me the facts. I know it is not a Lincoln V205T or a Miller Dynasty 200. I live in North America and those two units are the most popular. Both those units support start Amps and End Amps in 2T mode. It seems that half the 210EXT unit’s support start Amps and End Amps in 2T mode. I got a bad unit and will do whatever it takes to get it fixed.

    Are you telling me that this illustration is wrong?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2T.jpg 
Views:	430 
Size:	19.7 KB 
ID:	12065

    We learned in Lincoln welding school that you set the End AMPs to avoid fish eye or crater crack. Is this something they just made up?
    I think this will be much simpler if you explain why you don't want to use 4t if it does exactly what you want.
    2013 250EX : SSC Pedal : I-MIG 250P 20' Profax gun : Power Plasma 60 p80 torch : 3M Speedglas 9100XX : Evolution Rage 3 DB cold saw

  20. #140


    I would add that on some of their TIG units, Lincoln offers reduced features too, such as their Precision TIG...does that make them wrong when you use the torch switch to only offer downslope?

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