Basics of Arc Welding

Welding is a very easy process to learn about. Arc welding and stick welding are one of the most basic and common welding techniques that are initially thought to every welding student. Arc welding can be thought in four basic steps.

Step1: Equip yourself with safety accessories before you enter the domain to weld. This is a must irrespective of what your experience in welding is. Even the most experienced, brilliant welder has to take care of safety precautions before he starts to weld.

Step2: Always work with clean metals. This is a preparatory stage of welding. Clean your work piece properly before you work upon it.

Step3: Check for the welding earth connection. Make sure it is good. You are mainly using electricity to carry out the task of welding and if your earth connection is not good enough, you are most likely to mess up the task. An area of potential problems can be eliminated

Step4: Strike the arc properly. This is one of the biggest concerns for any welder and there are only three possible ways to do it;

  • Flick up from an edge
  • Strike like a match/scratch it
  • Tap it straight down, then back up

Hold the rod as straight as possible.