multiprocess welder

PowerCool W375 (240V)

SKU: PCW375-240
5 year
Weight: 40 lb
Dimensions: 25 in × 9.5 in × 11 in
Price: $499.00
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PowerCool W375 (240V)
PowerCool W375 (240V)

This new model is made to stack on top of the newer generations of welders. It retains the same rugged  stainless steel pump and copper core radiator construction that have made our other PowerCool water coolers so popular.  While it can stand alone and can be used with older products, the fairing is designed to stack under the current generation of welders since the end of 2020.  If you have an older Everlast unit, consider the PowerCool 300 for your application.  If you need a 120V cooler, do not purchase this cooler. This cooler is designed to operate off of the power supply plug in the rear of the PowerTIG/PowerPro models and requires 240V input.

This unit is designed to fit the following since Dec. 2020:  PowerTIG 200DV, PowerTIG 250EX, PowerTIG 210EXT, PowerTIG 255EXT, PowerTIG 325EXT.  Also fits the following PowerPro Models: PowerPro 164Si, PowerPro 205Si, PowerPro 256Si, PowerPro 256D with the Dec. 2020 panel revisions. Fits: PowerARC 280STH.

This unit will not fit or stack with the following models: Lighting 225, Lightning 275, PowerTIG 185, Power i-TIG 201, Power i-TIG 200T, Power or PowerTIG 350EXT.

For any other models or questions about application, call Everlast.

This cooler is designed to be used with PowerCart 330 and PowerCart 375LF only. It is not designed to fit PowerCart 250.

This unit has a sensor and alarm to indicate loss of water flow as an added safety measure to help prevent loss of water cooled torch should water cease flowing or torch or cable becomes blocked in some way.


Everlast is aware that customers may be using various  types of coolant in their PowerCool Water Coolers and with  our NOVA or other brand TIG torches. These range from distilled water to Isopropyl alcohol to  automotive type anti-freeze to R.V. anti-freeze to “private concoctions.”   Since the PowerCool product line  was released over 12 years ago we’ve gathered valuable data and gained experience concerning the use of coolants and their impact on both the lifespan of the cooler and the TIG torches themselves.  With that said, there are several areas of concern that we look for in a coolant. We have found that most popular alternatives fail to provide satisfactory performance.  We have taken our findings and concerns and listed them below as basic elementary requirements needed for best performance and product life.


Our concerns about TIG water cooler coolants are:


  1. That the Coolant provide satisfactory Ant-Freeze Characteristics.  While some may provide some sub-freezing  characteristic protection, they do not provide enough or provide inconsistent  sub-freezing protection.
  2. That the Coolant itself offer additional wetting and heat transfer characteristics, or at least doesn’t interfere with the water base level cooling ability. Not all anti-freezes are designed to improve cooling characteristics.
  3. That Coolant provides anti-algae conditioners. This helps to prevent torch plugging and blockage of lines, and narrow torch passages and reduces the need for frequent coolant exchanges and cleaning of torches.
  4. The shelf life of the Coolant is satisfactory.  Coolant should last in a commercial environment without break-down, gassing off etc. for an extended period of time.
  5. That the Coolant is designed to be flowable for rapid recycle  conditions.  Some times of Coolant are for static  or low flow conditions only.  I.E. certain types of R. V. Coolant.
  6. That the Coolant not be conductive.  Many automotive type coolants have certain conditioners and additives that make it electrically conductive.  Conductive Coolants can make High Frequency starting more difficult as it tends to rob and dissipate the H.F. energy. Can also contribute to arc instability in general.
  7. That the Coolant be compatible with the common silicone, rubber, PVC formulations of the components found in our torch cables and most other brand torch cables  on the market without deteriorating them.  This is a large concern.  Certain types of coolant can cause dry rot, premature aging, and leaks. Good coolants also provide conditioners expressly made for protection and conditioning of the components.
  8. That the Coolant be compatible with the materials found in the torch head such as brass, copper and solder without corroding the components. Good coolants also provide lubricity to the mechanical components without impeding flow or making it overly viscous.
  9. That the Coolant be compatible with all the materials found in the cooler, including copper, brass, PVC, silicone, rubber, etc., without leading to corrosion, deterioration or component failure.
  10. That the used Coolant be relatively safe, and not a severe hazard to the environment, or at least has safe disposal guidelines attached to it that can help prevent environmental damage.


It is for these reasons, that Everlast is now recommending that customers ONLY use commercial brand coolants designed for use with TIG welders with a rating for use with High Frequency (H.F.).  These coolants will usually include statements or information regarding the concerns listed above. 


It is also for this reason, that coolers, torches, cables  and related accessories will only be warrantied if used with commercial branded coolants made specifically for TIG welders.   Some commercial coolants for welder coolers are for use with  MIG or Plasma only. Be aware and read the label because they are not compatible.  TIG coolants work fine with some Plasma and MIG applications  where no aluminum is present (except with push-pull guns)  without crossover issues. Off types, personal blends, and internet popularized alternatives can and  will lead to damage or problems with operation, if not now, it will later down the road.


Yes, we know that commercial coolants are not inexpensive.  You may pay $80.00 or more for 2 gallons of commercially branded TIG water-cooler coolant (the average required to fill one of our coolers). At this point, after investing anywhere between $1500 to $3000+ dollars in a machine, cooler, and torches, this is a small price to pay and is what we feel to be a reasonable amount to protect a much more expensive investment.  Warranty claims cost everyone money and time lost. 


Question: What about Distilled water? Can I use it?

Answer:  Distilled/De-ionized water, while non-conductive and fairly inoffensive as a possible coolant solution, does not provide algae protection, requires frequent exchanging, and offers no lubricants or conditioners. Nor does it provide any anti-freeze solution. It is to be used only for testing and temporary, emergency use.  It should not be used for more than a period of three weeks before proper coolant is sourced and should be replaced. In and of itself, it will not damage the cooler, but does not promote maximum life, and does not protect the torch components from dry rot.  Over time, due to contamination, it slowly becomes increasingly conductive.


Question: What Brand do you recommend?

Answer: While we are hesitant to endorse one product like this over the other or demand that any one brand of coolant be used, commercial brands like Prax-Air, Air-Gas, Miller, ITW, and Lincoln all provide satisfactory coolants that address the concerns above. There may be others. But extremely low priced coolants, or off brands may not not provide the level of protection required. Again, read the label before purchasing and using. Use due diligence in selecting your coolant.


Question: What about automotive coolant? It is the same stuff according to the MSDS.

Answer: No. An MSDS only gives certain information about type, hazards etc.  It is not an exhaustive list of everything that is in it.  Automotive Antifreeze should NEVER be used of any type. Yes, some welder manufacturers have recommended it in the past, but times have changed and so have their recommendations and materials used.


Question: RV coolant/Automotive Coolant  is the same color.  Why can’t I use it just because it is cheaper?  Isn’t it the same?

Answer: Do not rely upon color or price  to dictate your buying choice.  This does not mean they are the same exact product.


Question:  Can I use a 50/50 mix of TIG Coolant and Distilled water? Or can I mix brands?

Answer:  Typically, no.  Most are premixed and should be used without mixing any additional or combining with other types.  However, read the directions of the manufacturer and follow them.




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