Generator Plus Welder or Engine Drive Welder/Generator Part 5

Part 5. What should you choose? Generator plus welder or engine drive?

A person who owns a generator and an inverter welder has a greater chance of building a professional business without the major expenses incurred by purchasing a large, bulky generator welder and then getting all the accessories to go with it.   If anything does go wrong in the business and hard times come, both can be easily sold without acquiring a significant loss.  Quite frankly this makes a lot of guys mad…you know, the ones that “paid their dues” by buying a large outdated welding setup and shop units.  But the person who is constantly stuffing money in his pockets by doing an equal or better job with his smaller, more efficient setup is laughing all the way to the bank.  An aspect to consider as well, is the fact that if anything breaks down on an engine driven welder, the whole part is virtually worthless and out of service until it is fixed.  Pulling up to a job site in a small pickup may not be as impressive looking or as macho feeling as pulling up in a big welding rig, but many times a customer does not care as much about that as they do about the welding capabilities of the person pulling up with their rig.   Certainly, they care more about that and the overall cost than they do about the type of equipment that is being used to perform the work.   As long as it is reliable and serviceable most people these day won’t give the rig type a second thought.

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