Selecting the right filler metal - GTAW ER 5356

If you have got room for it in your budget, and want to complete your line of "necessary" welding rods you're going to need for welding most grades of Aluminum, the ER 5356 is right next to the ER 4043. Most TIG welders find the 5356 relatively easy to lay a nice bead. Comparatively, the strength of the 5356 is fairly high. Comparatively, the strength of the 5356 is fairly high. It doesn’t mean that it would replace the 4043 in many cases as the 4043 is a good match for strength and ductility of many parent aluminum alloy metals, but when a weld will be subjected to more than average shear stresses, the 5356 is worth considering. The addition of magnesium helps to increase the overall tensile strength. Conversely, the 5356 is more susceptible to post weld cracking. Thick plates will need to be preheated to at least 300 degrees Fahrenheit to get the best fusion. It is also a desirable choice for any weld that will be anodized after welding or for welding on anodized metal. The color is a good match after it cools and when anodized does not get a dull gray cast as 4043 does. Of course, this is a summary of its strengths. If you think you need to use a stronger filler metal, just as you would with 4043, try to determine the parent material before using. Then cross reference it with the manufacturer’s summary list of weldable aluminum alloys that is usually available before purchase online or attached to the box to make sure the 5356 is a good match for your application.