TIG Welder PowerARC 140 - What’s new for 2014 part 12
TIG welding with the Everlast TIG welder PowerARC 140
This year we’ve received many calls about the TIG welder PowerARC 140ST. Many people see the unit as a TIG welder with secondary stick performance capabilities. Nothing could be further from the truth as it at its heart is and always will be a great little portable stick welder. However we realize that not everyone wants to pay for the TIG feature along with the extra accessories that have been included as standard equipment in the package. So for 2014, with the launch of the new website, we’ll have a pure TIG welder PowerARC 140 available. No TIG feature, No TIG torch. That’s right. It’s a stripped down but equal performing pure stick welder version of the TIG welder PowerARC 140ST. This unit will be available at a lower cost at 219.00 as an introductory price. This unit will still have the basic same features such as dual voltage input, 140 amp stick output, 35% duty cycle and more. But the lift TIG function and the fancy packaging will not be included. This unit has already sold out by word of mouth since the first units became available several months ago. There’s not much we can add or say about this unit that hasn’t already been said about it before with the PowerARC 140ST. It’s a solid stick welder that’s great for professional portable repair, home hobbyists, and small shop use. However, we don’t expect it to stand in the shadow of the 140ST since so many people have already bought the new stick welder, and certainly the performance is on the same level as the PowerARC 140ST.
Everlast Power Equipment, your TIG welding experts.