Welding Related Tools You Might Need Part 3
Part of welding is a fit-up. A Fit-up requires a special skill set that includes cutting joints precisely and holding them squarely (or at a precise angle) together long enough to be welded. In short it is part of the fabrication process. When fitting, precision and accuracy are required. The very same squares, and angle finders commonly used in the carpentry trade are also used in the welding trade.
One of the very best squares that works well in the welding trade for either welding or cutting is the tri square. It’s a simple tool that can be used as a square or even a protractor. In welding it can be used for a cutting guide edge for a plasma torch, or be used to line up two pieces of metal and check to make sure the joint is still holding a right angle after tacking things up. Other squares used, such as the T-square and even the machinist square are also useful for welding and laying out large areas of sheet metal. A bevel square is useful as well, for copying unknown angles and transferring them over to your new pattern. Needle scale angle finders are used in carpentry , usually have a magnetic base as well, so it can be used to determine an angle ( (relative to the ground) needed to make a cut on a piece of pipe to complete a roll cage or even to measure the angle of a support column’s base that may be set at angle to conform to the ground. Additionally just for welders, they make special magnet squares in multiple sizes that work well for squaring things and holding things into position. Some may exert several hundred pounds of “pull” if they are large enough. These attach to the metal and can work in a variety of ways, even using the long side as a 45 degree positioner. The major issue with these however, is the constant cleaning of metal dust from the magnetic surface that is required. Keeping them clean and in good condition is difficult, but they do work well when needed.