What can the new 2015 Everlast MIG Welder Power i-MIG 205 do for me? Part 3

What can the new 2015 Everlast MIG Welder Power i-MIG 205 do for me? Part 3

mig welderIn Part 2 of the 2015 Everlast MIG Welder, the Power I MIG 205, We discussed the stick feature. In Part 3 we'll discuss the spot an stitch timer contorls.

Two features that really work for the customer can be combined into a single point of discussion.  These are the spot and stitch timer controls.  These are designed to improve the results when performing tacking and light gauge welding tasks.  The spot timer can be set to make a repeatable and perfectly sized tack weld every time.  This operates by setting the timer, then squeezing the trigger.  The arc will come on until it times out.  This allows the user to rapidly proceed during fit up of items like body panels and tack them consistently.  The stitch timer works similarly but this time the unit automatically cycles on and off allowing the user to keep the trigger held down.  This allows the user to make  seam welds while skipping over an area to prevent warping.  This works well when welding thin or heat sensitive materials preventing overheating.   In reality this does take practice so that the distance between the welds and the welds themselves are equal in length and are regularly spaced.  Of course these features can be turned off so that regular MIG welding is possible.  The final feature is the employment of pre and post gas flow.  This feature is automatic so no control is needed.  This improves the quality of the weld by having gas flowing when the arc is struck and ended. In TIG welding, pre and post flow is employed to prevent oxidation of the tungsten and the weld.   Most MIG welders do not offer this, but it is just as oxidation is just as valid of a concern as it is in TIG welding.  Yet, most inexpensive transformer welders do not offer this at all, leaving porous stops and starts to the weld.