
Common welding related questions we hear. Part 18

Continuing on with the stick welding rod theme of questions, we often get questions about the 6010 capability of our machines. This is a valid question, but a significant percent of people ask it without seeming to know the importance, or lack of importance of that feature and what it means to them. Just today, I had a customer with an issue over his unit not welding 6010, after the fact, despite the specifications on our site explained that the unit he purchased did not.  

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 17

Do I need to use 7018 with my new stick welder to get strong welds? I’ve heard this question many times. E7018 is a fine welding rod choice in many situations, when properly stored and managed. It provides a smooth flowing puddle with easy to peel slag. It has a nice consistent arc.

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 16

Over time we’ve added more and more TIG machines to the Everlast lineup. We’ve modified our stick welders even to provide a lift start TIG mode over the old scratch start method to be able appeal to a broader range of applications.

Lift start TIG is a much better method for starting a TIG arc because as the tungsten makes contact with the work piece to start the arc with a quick downward motion, the current is reduced so that the tip will not heat up and stick fast to the metal.

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 15

Pre-sales calls about TIG welders often come around to the discussion of arc starting styles eventually. Many times I have had customers ask me if we had scratch start TIG mode on our AC/DC welders. I’ll reply,” No, but we have lift start”. They’ll then ask, “It’s the same thing isn’t it?” “No, it isn’t” I reply.

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 14

Quite often, perspective TIG welder customers who are new to TIG welding often are trying to figure out what type of TIG they need and are confused by the terms of “Lift Start”, “Scratch Start” and “High Frequency Start”. It’s not uncommon for even a pro to mix-up and confuse the terms of “Lift Start” and “Scratch Start” and even occasionally “High Frequency start”. To cover these differences, we’ll take a look at each over the next few blogs and discuss how they are commonly used.

So you want to be a welder? - Part 2

Staying employed in a field that you like and love is a challenge, regardless of your occupation.  Staying employed in a field that you don’t like and don’t love, is almost impossible.  If you are considering welding as a “career change”, you may already be aware of this.   You may be facing a mid-life crisis of employment, forced early-retirement or just feeling unfulfilled in your stale old, going no-where job.   If so, don’t automatically think welding would be a good fit for a career change without understanding that successful welders are flexible welders.  And one key area of flexibil

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 13

Can I MIG weld with a flux core machine? Well this is an often discussed question on many forums where there are multiple brands and types of welders represented.  I get a version of that question quite often as well: Can I flux core weld with my Everlast Power I MIG welder? Let’s be clear, MIG (or GMAW to use the current correct term of the day) has been defined as Metal-Inert-Gas, or rather for GMAW, as Gas Metal Arc Welding. This means that it uses gas to weld. A flux core wire feed welder is a bit different, though they may look similar from the surface.

So you want to be a welder?

Finding out that you stepped into the wrong field of work can be disheartening and be a great setback to finding job security and contentment.   This is particularly so in the welding field.  If you’ve heard the latest statistics about great demands for welders and huge paychecks that can be earned, you may be thinking about welding as a new career.  Unfortunately a large number of new  welders suffer burnout because they weren’t aware of what was involved in making the big bucks and keeping themselves fully employed.   The first item that a new welder should consider before making a career

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 12

What’s the difference between spray arc (axial spray) and other methods of MIG welding? Can I spray with my 75/25 gas? If you are looking to really amp up your production with your MIG, you may want to consider using spray arc. Of course, that is dependent upon the size of your welder and the capability of it. Spray arc, more properly referred to as Axial spray, is a form of MIG welding that is greatly different in look and feel than traditional short circuit MIG.

Common welding related questions we hear. Part 11

Should I get a Digital or Analog welder? That’s one of the most difficult to answer questions that we hear from perspective customers. But it is also a commonly discussed one over on welding forums, such as our Everlast welding forum. It’s rather easy to explain the differences, but often, most people come at the discussion with preconceived notions of both digital and analog products. It’s hard to deal honestly with the difference between a digital TIG welder and an analog TIG welder without first explaining what the actual difference is in the technologies.


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