nimda's blog

AC vs. DC Stick Part 3

So, why DC? What is it about welding with DC stick that is so special?  That’s the question we often get. As we mentioned before, experience is the best way to answer this. It’s easier to “see” and believe.

AC vs. DC Stick Part 2

My first experience with DC came under the watchful eyes of a seasoned welder who came up to repair some heavy equipment for our family run grading business. He was good friends with the family so he let me watch and help on the repair. A few minutes stick time under his guidance was the reward. At first it felt awkward.

AC vs. DC Stick Part 1

We get a lot of questions about why our DC Power Arc stick welders don’t have AC on them. That’s a good question: Why DC? But it’s also a question that would resolve itself through brief hands on experience with both processes.

A new partnership

A relatively new development, Everlast is proud to announce that we have become an OEM supplier of C-K torches so our customers will have a better selection of quality torches and accessories at their disposal directly through us.

Changing TIG torches on your Everlast welder

One of the features of our Everlast TIG welders is that our torch power connections interchange with name brands and almost any torch can be fitted to our welders. As a rule, we ship a torch that matches the maximum output capability and duty cycle of the welder. Some companies ship a smaller torch with less capability than the capability of the unit. This is often for marketing and pricing rather than serviceability.

Trouble shooting a problem part 3

One of the first things we here in a tech support call is “Hey, this welder is broken or…something”. Well yes, things do break. Anything made by human hands can malfunction. But in many cases we resolve issues quite well over the phone. Odds are greater than not that your call to tech support will result in a successful resolution of your problem or issue.

Trouble shooting a problem part 2

If a quick mental check of things you have or haven’t done doesn’t resolve a welding issue, the next course of action is to check for environmental problems. Environmental problems consist of things like contamination, drafts, magnetic fields, moisture and  even low  or high power input issues. The environmental aspect can be difficult to diagnose.

Trouble shooting a problem part 1

There’s an infinite list of problems you may encounter during welding. Some may be environmentally caused, others operator caused, and some unit caused. Invariably it is human nature to blame everything but the human operating the unit as the first recourse of action.

A beginner’s need to know

As the welding market in the US expands, we see more and more beginner elementary questions.  That’s good for us and the industry in general.  For one it expands the perception of the welding industry in general.  For another, it challenges the old way from a new and fresh look.

Pulse MIG welding vs stitch welding…a few details

A lot of articles and videos have been made about pulse TIG welding, but few exist on Pulse MIG welding. One of the reasons, is that Pulse MIG welding  hasn’t been officially recognized as a welding process by the American Welding Society.


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