nimda's blog

Product buying guide part 5

Ok, so you are debating about which type welder you need from Everlast Power Equipment, either an AC or DC welder series: Digital (DC) or Analog (AC).  It’s definitely a decision, once made; you will have to live with. For many, the choice will be a factor of budget, and that’s understandable and certainly a qualifying factor. In that case, an AC welder is the clear winner.

Product buying guide part 4

If you need more than just your DC TIG welder, because you are going to weld aluminum, or the more rare chance you will be working with magnesium, then the AC TIG welder or DC TIG welder from Everlast are likely what you will need to consider.

Plasma Cutting Tips

Plasma cutters are amazing tools, and Everlast Welders is here to provide plasma cutter project tips to help you improve your plasma cutting projects. These are plasma cutting tips every new and veteran welder should know:

Tip #1:  Safety.

Mig and Tig Welders

For those of you who are new to welding, today’s blog will explain the differences between a MIG welder and a TIG welder. Both MIG welders and TIG welders are types of arc welders which use the concentrated heat of an electric arc to fuse metals together by a consumable electrode.

Hobby Welding

Are you welding for business or for pleasure? Welding is pretty straightforward, for it is performed with the sole purpose of joining two materials together. However, many welders know that welding is both a science and an art, even though welding is primarily used for commercial purposes. At Everlast, we feel that both commercial and recreational welders develop highly specialized skills and craftsmanship, devoted to mastering their techniques.

Product Buying Guide Part 3

Buying a TIG is a step up in the welding world.  It is the “elite” form of welding that many  welders never get to try, yet it is one of the fastest growing areas of demand for us.  Our price point puts advanced inverter based  TIG welders in the price range of many of our customers.

Product Buying Guide Overview Part 2

As much as anything part of our reputation exists on providing a cheaper alternative to help customers, that couldn’t otherwise afford to purchase a name brand product, to be able to own a competent, well performing welder or plasma cutter and start making money.  That’s really always been part of what we do, and will continue to do over the foreseeable future.   In fact the prices are so good, that many people instantly want to “overbuy”, and maximize the features of their product.

Product Buying Guide Overview Part 1

You know, in most of the blogs that we have put up, we’ve done very little in the way of promoting our product…though it is at the very center of what we do.  And, of course, all our articles and posts are related to issues our customers face with welding every day.  One of the things that is a challenge for us and our customers is matching the customer to the correct unit that will work for them.  It’s easy to talk about bells and whistles, and try to sell the nicest product we offer, particularly because it is so well priced, but it’s much more difficult to make sure the customer is compa

Chopsaws And Bandsaws

A good band saw or chopsaw is worth the investment if you are interested in doing serious hobby welding. Although the angle grinder can be a valuable asset, and can substitute for the chopsaw or band saw, it cannot substitute completely for the speed or economy of either of the other two.

Cutting Expanded And Perforated Metal

In the last couple of blogs we dealt with cutting equipment that you will likely need to set up shop. However there are some things that are difficult to cut no matter what equipment you have. One such item is cutting expanded metal. Another one is its cousin, perforated metal. Both require patience and just the right piece of equipment to cut.


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