nimda's blog

Grinding Tungsten

If you have ever struggled with arc stability while TIG welding, particularly in the lower range of amps that are suitable for the size tungsten, it likely can be attributed to improper grinding. Knowing how much point, and direction of grinding is key. In general, for all DC welding a sharp point is a good choice with a taper at least 2.5 times longer than the Tungsten is wide at lower amps.

Fixed shade helmet or an auto darkening helmet?

Even though people have used fixed shade helmets forever, the market is swiftly moving towards auto darkening helmets. Prices and performance both are improving. Today, auto-darkening helmets can be bought as low as 39.00 dollars. While not top of the line, they will typically be fairly good performers for average welding. Even name brand, high end companies are offering welding helmets under the 200 dollar mark.

Puddle recognition - The first step to welding successfully

At the beginning, when you are first learning to weld, most major problems are associated with problems with puddle recognition. Some problems can be associated with too light or dark of a shade while welding. Using an autodarkening helmet can help reduce learning time for this reason.

Tips to make your plasma cutter work more efficient

Plasma cutting is a very important process that is used quite predominantly for cutting steel and other metals of varying thickness using plasma torch in the welding industry. In order to create sturdy and high quality product the industry considerably relies upon good plasma cutters for cutting metals precisely as per their requirements.

Tips to follow for better MIG welding experience

Metal Inert Gas Welding also known as MIG welding is a welding technique used predominantly in the welding industry wherein a consumable electrode made of wire and gas are fed consistently via the welding gun for creating welds. Welding as such is the process where in two or more metal pieces are joined together with the help of a molten solution which solidifies upon cooling to essentially form the bond between them. MIG welder is a very efficient tool for welding metals.

An insight into welding Aluminum using TIG welding

Aluminum is generally a low density metallic substance. It is also a very good conductor of heat and electricity. Owing to its versatile and comprehensive characteristics, aluminum is widely used in several applications and fields. However, the true potential and benefits of using aluminum for manufacturing purposes can be achieved only when aluminum is combined with other metals to form alloys.

Welder Forums provides useful insights about welding

Technology has revolutionized our lives as now we severally depend upon various technologies for our day to day survival. This stands especially true in the case of Internet and websites. No more do you need to make frequent visits to libraries or respective industries to gather data or information. Everything is available in the World Wide Web as our entire world is intertwined within its network.

Selecting the right filler metal - Stainless

One of the biggest joys and frustrations in TIG welding is welding stainless steel. It can go great or it can go awful. Welds can look smooth as silk or look like burnt sugar. But one of the things that can help ease the process some is having the right filler rod to start with.

An insight into Flux Cored Welding

We all know that welding is the process wherein two or more metal pieces are joined together with the help of a very hot molten solution that solidifies and forms the bond between them upon cooling. There are several kinds of welding techniques available in the welding industry. Flux cored welding is one among them. Flux core welding is pretty much similar to MIG welding which stands for Metal Inert Gas welding.


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