nimda's blog

Safety while welding

On the most important aspects of welding today is safety. This is most important in case of amateur welding. Amateur welders are those that do not practice welding as a profession but rather as a hobby. These welders need to take the most care as most of the times; they are operating from their garage or their back yard. There are a few things that you should always have when welding. Insulated gloves are a must.

Stick Welding Tips and Basics:

Here are some tips to help you make a improved weld:

1. The correct electrode for the work: most people are not sure of the size of the electrode they should use and this is significant to know. The size of the electrode will depend on the circumstances you are welding inside. In these circumstances you will be fighting against gravity if you are doing the weld upright so you will need to use an electrode that is AWS classified as 7018 since they are short in their powder content.

How to get a welding job

There are many ways by which you can land a welding job for yourself. If you are developing your career as a welder then you need to make sure that you do the right course and have the right certification to be a welder. You take up the various courses that are available in welding that will soon make you a certified welder. After that you can start to set up practice taking projects that come along your way.

How to avoid flash burns

Flash burns are a common welding injury. However these can be avoided if proper precautions are taken. The flash burns are eye injuries that affect the corona. This usually occurs from the ultraviolet light that is emitted from welding torches. The corona will eventually heal itself over time but if left unchecked and unguarded these can cause serious infection and injury.

Necessity of safety equipments in welding:

Welding is the art of joining metal together. It is very simple to learn and perform and almost anyone literally of any age can easily capture the essence behind it. The whole process involves joining two or more work pieces together with the help of a molten solution under tremendous pressure, which when solidified forms the essential bond between. Thus the procedure is basically used to build several equipments both large and small we use in our everyday life.

Firecracker welding

A firecracker welding is a rare form of the shielded metal Arc Welding process. A butt weld is made use of in the form of welding. The electrode is stuck horizontal above the butt weld. The electric arc is then placed at one end of the electrode which would burn along the entire length of the electrode. The electrode is held in its place with the help of an adhesive tape or with the help of a copper block. Clamps can also be used to hold the electrode its place.

Electro gas welding

The electro gas welding is a continuous welding process. In this process the arc is struck between the work piece and the electrode used. The arc is struck by keeping the electrode in a vertical position over the work piece. The arc that is used in this process is not extinguished like in electro slag welding. It is used throughout the welding process. With the help of this process we can make square groove welds on butt joints and t joints. This is especially useful in the shipbuilding industry.

Buying welding equipment online

There are many websites today that have welding equipment available online. These websites make it easy for people who are looking to buy welding equipment and ensure that equipment for welding is easily available.

An insight into ultrasonic welding:

Welding is a process where two or more work pieces are joined together with the help of a molten solution which solidifies to form the solid bond between the work pieces. Ultrasonic’s on the other generally refers to frequencies above 20,000 hertz which are not audible to our ears. However the same frequency is audible to certain animals such as dolphins, mice etc. The use of this ultrasonic concept in welding has several advantages over the various other welding techniques.

Atomic hydrogen welding

The atomic hydrogen welding is carried out with a shielded atmosphere of hydrogen. This welding is a form of arc welding that uses two metal tungsten electrodes for the process of welding.  Tremendous heat is generated by the use of the hydrogen gas. The arc would work towards breaking up the hydrogen molecules.


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