Plasma Cutters, How To Get A Cleaner Cut
Plasma cutting. A tip for cleaner cuts.Making a clean cut with a plasma cutter involves making sure everything is just right for the optimum cutting experience. But where do you start? What’s the most important thing to remember when trying to get a clean cut out of a plasma cutter? Making clean cuts with a plasma cutter starts with an ample supply of clean, dry air. It’s rather simple isn’t it? No? Of course not! If it was, you’d probably eliminate most issues with consumable wear, and jagged or beveled cuts. Having an adequate supply of air is important. If you are not prepared to fork out the money required to buy a compressor with the recommended minimum air supply capability, you aren’t ready to buy a plasma cutter. Don’t expect to buy a plasma cutter and use a substandard compressor to get by and expect to achieve great results. Air pressure can begin to fall quickly as well as cut quality if the air flow begins to deviate from optimum levels recommended by the manufacturer. When you are in the hunt for a plasma cutter, especially your first one, and do not own an adequate air compressor, you should be in a simultaneous hunt for an air compressor that matches the required specs of the plasma cutter you plan on purchasing. I said “…clean, dry air.” Remember? Air can be clean, but it may not be dry, and it can be dry but it may not be clean. Having clean dry air will prevent premature wear to your consumables and improve cut quality drastically. Be on the lookout for something that can do both while you are out shopping for your plasma cutter and air compressor. Don’t rely on the filter or water trap supplied with your cutter to do the job. It won’t. It’s designed to offer a measure of protection, but will not likely handle everything an air compressor will send down the line. Take a look at replaceable cartridge types which seem to offer the best of both worlds such as Motor Guard’s series of plasma cutting filters. If these are going to put you over budget, then at least employ an inexpensive desiccant-type dryer that helps to grab any moisture out of the air and trap it in the silica gel. If you are new to plasma cutting and are frustrated with the quality of cuts you are receiving, go over the basic things listed here, and chances are you’ll discover that you don’t have at least one of the three basic things present that you need.Everlast Power Equipment, Your Plasma Cutting Experts.Learn more on our welding forum.