Cyclone 253DPi
The Cyclone 253DPi is one of the most capable welders in the latest generation of pulse MIG welders from Everlast. The new Cyclone replaces the older Power i-MIG 253DPi with many major improvements. First, the new Cyclone model features multiple process ability with MIG, Pulse MIG (Single and Double Pulse), Flux-Cored ( with and without gas), DC Lift Start TIG, and DC Stick capability. Second, the unit offers a new intuitive LCD screen designed to simplify setup with less toggling and no hidden menus. The bright, HD full color LCD screen is intuitive to use and navigate and allows the user to setup the machine quickly and accurately. No more toggling or scrolling through endless pages to find your settings. Everything is on a single page and all settings are visible at the same time and are laid out in a thoughtful, logical manner so that setup flows smoothly from one function to the next. Third, the unit offers the new PowerSet program option which simplifies setup even further for novice users or for professional users who want a quick and easy way to set the machine up by just entering basic operating parameters such as material type, wire diameter and material thickness. This is available in all processes. While it may not be perfect for every situation, the user has plenty of adjustability but is generally prevented from straying too far off a sound or workable setting.
As a Pulse MIG the 253DPi excels by offering single and double (pulse on pulse/twin pulse) function.